
Experimental Designs: Maxfield And Babbie

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Experimental designs can be utilize with other researchers, some may have a different effect or others can have the same result. Three major types of experiments are independent and dependent variable, pretesting and post testing, last experimental and control group. Independent variable causes issues that are present or absent, while dependent shows the effect. Pretesting and post testing is the before and after testing of the dependent variable, in the book written by Maxfield and Babbie they test the use of alcohol. For pretesting they ask question on how frequent an individual drink alcohol, before post testing them, they shows a video on the effects of alcohol to see if each individual changes their response in the end. Some researchers like to have a little control, which brings us to …show more content…

(181) For example working on an experiment that has to do with real life situation would have less threats. However Internal and external goes together, because internal is establish, before external is an issue. (181) There are about 12 threats to internal validity and reliant on the end result the test could be biases or completely wrong.
1.) History- records of events during a trial run.
2.) Maturation- the constant change, which modifies the research.
3.) Testing- The amount of retesting that is done.
4.) Instrumentation- is used in criminal justice due to change, testing certain situations can be unclear, which is a major threat.
5.) Statistical Regression- Police or researchers focus on an area with a high crime rate.
6.) Selection Biases- shuffling a selection for an experiment could be biases due to it fitting your opinion on an issue. This would be a threat
7.) Experimental Morality- Once a part of an experiment, if volunteers start leaving without reaching the end, the outcome would be pointless.
8.) Casual Time Order- the time frame can make the dependent variable

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