
Explain How Bullying Is A Social Problem That Exists In Our Society

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Explain what social problems are. Social problems are considered to be a certain condition that affects people in a community and it is seen as undesirable. Some social problems are murders, bullying, obesity, driving while intoxicated, racism, and drug abuse just to name a few. Name one social problem that you believe exists in your own community, and apply the three sociological perspectives to explain how that problem is rooted in the structure of society. One social problem that exists in my community is bullying. Three sociological perspectives that explain how bullying is a problem rooted in the structure of society is first the structure functionalist approach or the consensus. The Structure Functionalist approach with bullying people do not seem to look at how it can affect one, two or even hundreds of people at a time. People are trying to understand why …show more content…

This approach will not only look at the victims and the bully but take a look into how everything links together with the school systems, laws, jobs, the prison systems, and see what moral values society tends to associate with bullying. Someone's school or home life or the way they were raised can lead them to start bullying others.The next sociological perspective is the social conflict approach. Social conflict approach is a view that society has based things on such as class, gender, sex, and your race. Many children suffer from being bullied simply because they look different, or do not have a lot of money. Social conflict approach will look into what specific groups of people are more prone to getting bullied and why bullies like to exploit certain people who seem to have less power. The third sociological perspective is Symbolic Interactionist. The Symbolic Interactionist Approach views society as an ongoing process and will try to decide how society really works. They focus on how one person differs from another, why one person is a bully and why one

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