
Explain How Your Life Can Be Saved By Warning Signs

Satisfactory Essays

Your Life Can Be Saved by the Warning Signs Your Body Sends! Don’t Ignore Them!

When there is some problem in the body, the body sends signs to indicate the problem. You must not ignore the following signs:
The white part of your eye The white part of the eyes must remain white. You should be concerned if it becomes red. The redness can be caused by a viral infection or it can be a reaction to stress or an allergy.
Gray hairs before the age of 35 White hairs can be a sign of a genetic problem, many stressful years or diabetes.
Having too many moles Even though some moles are harmless, some can be a sign of skin cancer.
Dry lips Even though dryness of the lips can appear due to body temperature changes, it can also be a sign of fungal

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