I believe in my mom. After all I have been through she thought me to always move forward with my head held high. Since the day I was born to this very day she has always stayed by my side she went from teaching me how to take my first steps into the world to teaching me how to be able to grow into a successful grown man. I need to get my act together and bring my grades back to A's again as I am my moms American Dream.
As I am progressing this step on becoming a man I am thankful for my mom. Through out every step of the way she has been able to answer my questions about life in general. I look up to my mom as she is a strong woman that has been through a lot in her life. My mom came from Mexico leaving her family and everything she owned.
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I would ask if she was alright and of course she said yeah with a smile but as I saw it their was something about the smile that told me she was exhausted, hurt, but yet she wouldn't say she was. Don't get me wrong she would say her arms hurt, her legs, her being sick after all she is human. But the thing that caught my attention about my mom was that she never once said she was going to miss work because she was tired, she never once said she was not going to prepare us lunch because she was worn out, she also never said she was to tired to help us with our homework and never did I hear her nagging about waking up at 4:30am to go to work and come back at 2:30pm.
Now in High School I have realized my mom has spent most of her life sacrificing her energy to a job that isn't worth a single penny of her energy. So my sisters and my self could have a better life and a brighter future. So we could keep moving forward and accomplish great things. My mom is not only the person who helps me out in life she's my motivation to waking up and going to school, doing my homework and the correct choices in life. Now I understand when people say not all heroes wear capes as my hero wears a hard hat and a long heavy
I consider my mother to be the most important person in my life because she has always been the rock in my family. She raised my two sisters and me to be independent, educated, and well-rounded individuals with little to no help from her family or my father. My mother learned at a young age that if you want something you must get up and find a way to achieve it for yourself. She worked two jobs to pay her way through college and always told my sisters and me that college was not an option, so she made sure we all
Finally, I am so proud of my mom because is the best person that I have been meeting. She is a good example for me, to continue my live and achieve my
When I am having troubles of my own and need someone who will truly listen, she gives me great advice whether I like the outcome or not. She has guided and molded my sister and I into young ladies who know their self worth and who will not back down from anything. I have always looked up to my mother because she is strong as an ox, and by that I mean mentally, physically, and emotionally. She is simply this compared to any one I have ever met. As I have grown each day I follow her and pay attention to the things she does because one day I hope I can become at least half as great as she is. I say half because honestly, I don’t know if anything can beat
As we grow up throughout life, we hold onto many heroes as they have impacted our life. Looking into my personal life, my hero consists of my mother, Darla Linden. She defined a hero as “a person stepping up in a situation without thinking they also are in harm 's way”(Linden, Darla). Throughout my lifetime my mom has been there for me since day one and has helped nurtured me.. She sacrifices many things for myself and for my family by providing us with our daily needs. I can always count on her to point me in the right direction by pursuing my dreams and wishes. I admire her caring heart and faithfulness the most because she would drop anything instantly to help someone else in need. She supports me in all of my extra curricular activities and motivates myself to bring out my full potential. I get inspired by her courageous character by never backing down to a challenge and always finishing through. When I asked my mom who she picked as her hero she said, “the service men and women of all branches who fight for our country”(Linden, Darla). They provide us with safety by sacrificing
From working several jobs at a time to make sure I had everything I needed, she became the reason why I was raised the way I raised. The lesson that “ I should treat everyone like the most important person in the world because I will never know when I might need them” was engraved in my head was owned by my mother. Sometimes she would tell me that she had holes in her socks and I knew it was due to most of her money going towards my private school tuition in order for me to be able to have the best education I could get. My mother is my background, my identity, interest, and talent. She is truly the one that has set me up for success, regardless of how fatigued or overworked she is. She is the person who truly defines who I am and who I have become to this
My mom is literally my best friend she has always been by my side she always admit when she wrong she has always been there for me. My mom had stage 3 to 4 breast cancer she had found out very late and didn’t know she had it but she always had a pain in her chest that she didn’t know what it was but now she do. She beat it but now it return so i know she not going to lose faith in fighting that’s just something about her. My mom is hard working woman she does it all by herself when she needs to be done for her kids some day i hope to live up to be half the mother she is. Sheila Ann Hudley is my hero for all she do and does for me and how she continue to fight to still be here for me as my mom.
Even when we had nothing going for us, my mom still pulled through for us. There’s nothing I believe more than that my mom is the reason that my family made it out of the hole my childhood was surrounded by. If I were to ever go through the cheesy process of writing about ‘who my hero is’, I would more than likely write about my mom and everything she’s done for our
I am so fortunate to have a mom like mine. Her name is Carol, she is a mom of four but she makes me feel special. Whenever I'm sad, mad or whatever she's always there to talk to for a advice, not just for me, but for anyone. She always taught me to be kind and open mined and happy. I've learned so much from her. She is the main reason I am who I am today, and allows me to be me and do what I dream to do, and supports me in whatever I do, and she always has my back and my best interest in mind. I inspire to be like her someday. I am So fortunate to have her as my mom
I am thankful for my mother. As all moms do, she loves me immensely. Along with driving me to all the sports games and extracurricular activities that I choose to do, she helps me get through my anxiety. My mother does not force me to do things I am not interested in and still supports me in anything I choose to do. I know she would do anything for me and I am very thankful for this.
A mother who made many sacrifices and went days without eating to make sure that I did. A mother who taught me the significance of education, religion, and morals and values. One who told me to respect others, to open the door for his elders, to have manners, to let ladies go first, to treat others the way he’d like to be treated, and best of all to help and give to others less fortunate than him. She has provided me with the best possible education that a waitress with two kids can. This education has brought me many great teachers who have genuinely cared about me and my future. Teachers who have pushed me to be better academically and in my own life. I have also had friends who have motivated and competed with me to bring out the best in each
Growing up I learned through my mother's strength to be dedicated to making a change in my life. To work hard for what is right no matter what obstacles I had to fight through. Although I treasure my mother's efforts, I wish my father would have been there to guide me through life's lessons; I wish he would be here today to be proud of everything I have acquired.
Even though the true definition of a hero is a male figure my mother is a hero to me. She has sacrificed an incredible amount of things for me and my family without hesitation. My biological father passed away when I was only two years of age, and my mother conquered over such a big milestone in our lives. She stands firm in her faith with the Lord, Jesus Christ, and it is He who helped her be brave enough to be a single mother. Most people would have been a coward and shut down, but my mother had the courage to take something terrible and allow it to strengthen us as a family. After my biological father’s death, a few years had passed, and my mom met my marvelous step-father, and they have blessed me with a merciful life filled with the love of Jesus Christ. My mother is willing to help anyone and everyone in a time of need. She is the type of woman that I aspire to
I have always looked up to her. Even though we have face hardships, financially, or emotionally, she always make sure that we do not stop. She had advocated that, we have to keep, figuratively, moving, or else we, as people, would never amount to anything. Further, I had inherited a vast amount of characteristics thanks to my mother. Some might be a little excessive. Like, how sometimes, I just have the dire, and intense compulsion to clean. That might not be bad, but, it sure is tiresome. On the others hand, I am grateful that I had acquired characteristics, such as being meticulous, and caring. This is all because I had an amazing person that I could look up to as a child. Withal, my mom was the one who had gotten my interested in a career in law. She had once worked as a sheriff, and a correction officer, and she had always seemed to enjoy her job. As a child, it seemed like one of the most interesting things to be, and eventually, I knew that I had wanted to be a person who worked in
My mom is my Michigan hero. She motivates me to work hard in everything I do. For example, she makes me do my homework with her so she knows I try my hardest. She works very hard for our family, as well as my dad. She's taught me that even if I don’t enjoy something I should still try my hardest, because who knows, maybe I will end up liking it later on in life. An example of this is when she told me to try dirt biking, and I ended up falling in love with it. Sometimes we would just sit on our deck, and talk for a while. My mom does tons of things for me. For example, she makes me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She also does my laundry and packs me food for school. She says that I can achieve any goal if I work hard enough at it. She supports
My mom has been through a lot with me she got me healthy even if she was sick during the time I was a baby, She has helped me with my reading and writing disability and has pushed me to do my best. She is a strong confident woman that is loving she loves to attend to people and has a great smile. She has shown me that even if times are hard you have to bring your head up and raise it high. I maybe a mama’s boy but my mom is one of my greatest role models and people I admire.