
Explain What Governments Should Consider Before Transferring Species

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What governments should consider before transferring species. You’re on a visit to your childhood town following one of your favorite trails in the mountain when you notice something peculiar, all the trees are dead. This what happens when the government and major companies don’t consider everything that could happen when bringing foreign species into different lands. Before the transfer of species the diet, affects, and benefits of the species must be considered in order for there to be no casualties and still be able to benefit.
First, diet, weather on purpose or not non indigenous species can harm the environment. When the Balsam Woolly Adelgids were accidentally imported from Europe to the United States, they fed, killing thousands of Balsam Fir trees. Leaving many once rich forests, dead. All of which could have been easily prevented with proper checks of the cargo and/or research done on what they would eat in the foreign land. …show more content…

Take Cane toads for example, they were brought to Australia to amend- a sugar eating bug problem, but with no other research done to figure out what they could do, things went wrong. They ate all the other bugs in the farm and multiplied like crazy, having no predators evolved in such a manner to combat the toads poison in this part of the world, it took over and killed many thousands of animals. Even pushing someone towards extinction. Had the scientists in charge done more research or gathered the small amount of toads in the beginning once the project failed, it could have been

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