
Explain What Measures Can Be Taken To Guarantee The Security Of EHR

Decent Essays

Week 3 Discussion Question-

What measures can be taken to guarantee the security of EHRs?
There are four distinct component of the Administrative Simplification Subsection under HIPAA:
1. Transactions and code set
2. Uniform identifiers
3. Privacy
4. Security
While it is important to know every aspect of this four distinct components, it is especially important for those who will work with patients’ health records to understand the regulations regarding security of electronic health records (EHR). While Privacy rule are designed to protect a patient’s identifiable health information from unauthorized disclosure or use, whether electronic, paper (written) or oral, Security Rules covers only protected health information that is in electronic form or sometimes called EPHI (Electronic Protected Health Records). All records of a …show more content…

2. Physical
3. Technical
Administrative Safeguards – policies and procedures are designed to demonstrate how the entities comply with the protection of information under HIPAA security rule which includes:
• Designate a privacy officer to be responsible for developing and implementing all required policies and procedures.
• The policies and procedures must reference management oversight and organizational buy-in for compliance with the documented security controls.
• Procedures should clearly identify employees or classes of employees who will have access to EPHI. Access to EPHI must be restricted to only those employees who have a need for it to complete their job function.
• The procedures must address access authorization, establishment, modification, and termination.
• Entities must show that an appropriate ongoing training program regarding the handling of PHI is provided to employees performing health plan administrative functions.
Physical Safeguards – refer to mechanisms required to protect electronic systems, equipment and data they hold from threats, environmental hazards and unauthorized access to protected

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