M1 – Explain in detail the responsibilities of the different levels of government in the UK The central government is responsible for the health and safety of people, they provide health and safety by maintaining and improving the quality of the environment. The government also has the power to make laws for the entire country, in contrast with local governments. However, the Prime Minister (David Cameron) is head of the UK government so he’s responsible for all of the policy and decisions he makes. The central government has the responsibility to create laws unlike other levels of government; this is because if all levels were able to do the same then it would cause great confusion to citizens. One of the central governments is the …show more content…
The devolved parliaments are able to maintain their responsibilities because they have been decentralised. The regional governments are responsible for the formulation of planning policy. They form an important and essential interface between policies at the national and local level. They regional government also focus on key issues of the region, set priorities and the core policies that form the basis of their regional space strategy. Local
The central government is normally located in the capital city; which in our case it’s London. The central government runs the whole country by taking up the most important responsibilities that any other government levels in the UK has. These responsibilities are making new laws, signing agreements with the other nations and also defending the nation. The central government has these responsibilities as it’s the main government within the UK and it contains the 3 political institutions which make up parliament which are: the House of Commons, and the House of Lords and the monarch. These institutions work together. The house of commons creates new laws which they feel will work well for the British community. The house of lords has a
In UK there are two main levels in the system of the government; these are the Central
In conclusion, every governing body holds a certain power for management and development of the cities, state, and nation. What I believe is that the local government should get power in policy making and make other decisions of particular areas within the state because local government will have more information about what are the actual need and wants of people of their locality. However, the local government should cooperate with the state government while implementing their policies. Furthermore, the laws and policies should be implemented by looking at all perceptive and values of the people over these issues.
The levels of government are Central, (which involve the Monarchy, the House of Commons, and the House of Lords), Regional, (which involve Devolved parliaments) and Local, (which involve Local authorities, country councils and Metropolitan councils). Each level contains a variety of different organisations and branches of government which help to keep the country and the public services running smoothly and effectively. All branches of the government
What is government? Government is the governing body of nation, state, or community. Government determines the way any group of people are ran. There a several different types of government used all around the world. In the United States for example, uses a type of government that has three different branches of power. The Legislative Branch is the law making branch. The Judicial branch is the courts and the low enforcement. Lastly, the Executive branch is the presidential branch. “Each has its own responsibilities and at the same time they work together to make the country run smoothly and to assure that the rights of citizens are not ignored or disallowed.” (Osborne) Usually, governments break up the responsibilities into two or more groups. Two very influential writers wrote about their views on government; Lao-tzu and Machiavelli. These writers were in very different times which makes it very interesting to compare their views. Lao-tzu and Machiavelli had very different views on the ultimate purpose of government, the obligations of government leaders, and the main work of the state.
The second function that I’m concentrating on is Representation. In the Commons MPs are elected every five years to represent local constituencies. The link between the House of Commons and the local constituency is very important as it provides information to the government on how the public is responding to their policies and ideas for new
Starting with the organizational structure of the NHS, it is basically an umbrella organization that comprises of four regional branches, in particular, NHS (England), NHS Scotland, Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland and NHS Wales. The financing for all these institutions comes from a universal source, particularly the tax-payer money of residents of UK, although they operate to an extent as self-governing institutions. The treasury allocates money to the department of Health, which in turn allocates money to NHS England (Understanding the new NHS). In other words, the top executives of these four institutions take decisions independently for day to day operations although they abide by broader governing directives applicable to the UK region as a whole. Governance is an important aspect of the operating of the NHS, for without it exploitation by private vested interests is likely to happen. (National Health Service (NHS): A study of its Structure, Funding and Regulation, Strengths and Weaknesses, n.d.)
local level, they come from mainly 70% are elected members and the other 30% are brought in by businesses, environmental organisations and other groups. These assemblies are funded by the central government and they may also receive money from local authorities within their region. They are responsible for developing, monitoring and reviewing regional planning and transport, they also make recommendations to the government on housing priorities in their area. Other responsibilities that they have are to check, monitor work with the regions development
With new regionalism, the government responds to negativity and provides comfort and change for the locals of the city. This also promotes a positive image for the communities which makes it more appealing to outsiders of the cities. Communities rely on their government to act against local problems and provide safety.
How does regional government affect you? Did you know that the level of government that most affects you daily is much closer to home than the White House, the halls of Congress or even your state capitol building? Your local government - city diet, county commissioners, etc. - is the level of governance responsible for found the haste boundary on the streets in your town, setting government for business, industrial and residential development, funding the public train and ensuring that there are adequate numbers of uniformed and firefighters on duty. These representatives live and fabric in your range and have a significant bump on your life every day. Where do epichorial governments get their authority?
Under the British constitution, parliament is sovereign. This means, amongst other things, that Parliament has a monopoly on making and amending laws. The British constitution, and the three functions of government which operate it often falls short of creating a definitive separation. Separation of powers refers to the idea that the major institutions of government should function independent of each other, in a utopian world there should aim to be a balance between the Crown and Parliament. In practice however, separation between the executive and legislature is near enough non-existent, an example being that government is made up almost entirely of MPs. Contrast this with the USA where no member of Obama’s government is equally a member of congress. However, the USA does have a codified constitution, a constitution written to delegate a clear separation of power. As we are well aware the UK doesn’t have such a constitution, the rules that
Explain the roles of the various branches of government, their administrative functions, and their structural and political characteristics
Central government makes the polices of all departments , institutes or provinces of the country and the Local government is the bound of the follow legislation and decision made by the higher level of government and central government.
Almost all petroleum is owned by the Government and not the landowner. For example, the NSW Government has the power to authorise exploration and removal of petroleum from land individually owned or otherwise. Before CSG operations can commence CSG companies require 3 separate titles from the state Minister for Resources and Energy in order to access petroleum under private land. In addition, some form of development consent is often needed. Other approvals are sometimes necessary before a CSG project can commence. For example, the NSW Minister for the Environment or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may require a pollution licence.
M-form refers to the unspecialization of subnational governments. It follows a territorial principle that regions are assigned to be responsible for similar task. For instance, province A is responsible for agricultural and steel ministry, which is same for the other provinces such as B and C. They can be seen as “substitute” for each other because they produce competitive goods. The administrative coordination is decentralized in M-form, meaning that planning in individual level is important. As these regions need to make production decisions for their ministries, the autonomy of them is quite high, and they have the right to control and allocate recourses within their jurisdiction. These features can in fact be linked to the RDA system. In Maskin, Qian and Xu’s research,