
Exploring A Moth Depicted In The Poem Design By Robert Frost

Decent Essays

Design”, by Robert Frost, is a poem that creates an image of a spider eating a moth. In the poem, Frost uses metaphors and similes to ask a rhetorical question; Why do some of God’s creations look so beautiful, but are actually evil?

Throughout the poem,the speaker uses metaphors to describe the scene that is taking place. The speaker starts by stating “I found a dimpled spider, fat and white” (line 1). The word ‘white’ is a metaphor for purity. The speaker creates an image of a pure fat white spider. However, the speaker contradicts this image by stating “On a white heal-all, holding up a moth/ Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--”(lines 2-3). A white heal-all is a type of flower that is used for different medicines. The flower …show more content…

In the first stanza, the speaker describes the spider and states that it sits “On a white heal-all, holding up a moth/ Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--” (lines 2-3). The speaker creates an image of a spider sitting on satin, which is a smooth glossy fabric. However, the word ‘rigid’ gives off a sense of stiffness. By comparing the flower to a rigid piece of satin, the speaker contradicts the two different feelings. Another simile the speaker uses is when he states “Mixed ready to begin the morning right,/ Like the ingredients of a witches’ broth” (lines 5-6). Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and starts people on a good morning. The speaker compares the spiders breakfast, the moth, to a witches broth. Spiders eating moths and other insects is normal, it is a natural part of life. However, by using the words ‘witches broth’ the speaker gives the spider an evil connotation. The speaker uses another simile when he states “A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth” (lines 7). Froth is a foam released as a result of disease. By comparing the beautiful flower to foam, the speaker is inferring that the flower is not good, but is a result of evil. The last simile the speaker uses is when he states “And dead wings carried like a paper kite” (line 8). Kites are fun toys that children often play with. By comparing the dead moth to a paper kite, the speaker is stating that the spider had fun carrying the dead moth around. He killed the moth for

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