
Exploring The Factors Affecting Children In A Single-Parent Household

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When a child is brought into the world, their immediate family and the environment they live in is the most important thing. There are many key factors that help build a child and effect the way that child acts, their temperament, and their likes and dislikes. A child develops based on their surroundings. If there are negative influences and negative people, the child is more likely to grow up and be a negative person. This also is the same with a positive influences and positive people. The child is more likely to be positive person. The environment that children grow up in will always affect them, especially in adulthood. A factor that can really affect children is if that child lives in a single-parent household. When a child lives in a single-parent household, they are limited to only one form of parenting. The parent may try to succeed at both parts, but the child will always lack in some way from not having both parents in their household. With this being said, some single parents do an excellent job when it comes to making sure their children are happy and well taken care of. …show more content…

This boy is my boyfriend and I have witnessed his environment and the way that he lives. His mother is one of the sweetest ladies that I have met. She always tries to provide for her children and make sure that they have the things that they need. But I have asked my boyfriend if he wanted to have his father in his life. Surprisingly, my boyfriend said yes and no. He said yes because he has always wanted to have a relationship with him. He said no because if his father was never in his life, he would not be the man that he is today. He said that he would not be as close to his mother and he would not have learned how to do the things he

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