
Extra-Curricular Activities Essay

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Extra-curricular activities are voluntary and anyone in college can participate. When engaging in extracurricular activities, students gain advantages from it. According to Education Partnership Inc. (2012), 98% of the children are aware of the different extracurricular activities offered by their school; however, only a minimal amount of them are interested to join. In addition, partaking in these activities has advantages that students can use in the long-run. Behavior is one of the effects that a member gain when participating extra-curricular activities. Accountancy students who most likely partake to Extra-curricular activities improve their behavior and reduce behavioral problems. For instance, joining sports increase discipline value and responsibility in practices and drills because in every game they participate in, they have to be accurate and skillful. After they successfully accomplished or won the game they earn self-assurance and self-esteem. They develop their relationship with other people who could be helpful as they meet people in the business world (Brown, M.D., 2000). Another instance is that accountancy students learn to manage time --- For Academics and for …show more content…

According to Massoni (2011), extra-curricular activities develop skills like management, collaboration, decision making, critical thinking, problem solving, multi-tasking and time balancing. Improving their skills can possibly help them to find out new capacities. Besides, Accountancy students can use the skills they have acquired as an additional knowledge for their career. In line with career, joining extra-curricular activities can be added to the future applicants’ resume for it can be a stepping stone to impress potential employers since they have skills acquired which are less likely taught inside the

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