
Extrinsic Analysis on Un Sac De Billes Essay

Decent Essays

Un Sac De Billes is an autobiography written by Joseph Joffo, a French writer. The story is based on the life of Joseph Joffo and his family during the early 90’s. The Germans invaded Paris in 1941 and the Jews happened to be affected the most. The Germans made it mandatory for the Jews to put on an étoile jaune (yellow star) in order to be distinguished from the others. The Joffo family was in distress since they were also Jewish. Thereafter, anytime Joseph, 10 years of age and his brother Maurice, 12 years old went to school with the star on their uniforms, their classmates scoffed at them; even their teachers treated them in a prejudiced manner. Joseph’s dad, Mr. Joffo reasoned with his boys to abscond from Paris to a secure zone, Zone …show more content…

The Joffos were dispersed in different parts of France; Henry and Albert were in Menton, their sister Rosetta was in Montlucon and Joseph and Maurice were unstable as they fled from city to city. This period was stressful and tiring for Joseph and Maurice because at that tender age, they had to leave their parents and fend for themselves. The Germans captured the Jews who tried to flee away and to some extreme cases even killed them at their own will. Joseph and Maurice saw the way in which their people were being treated and it was an appalling and horrifying sight. The approach in which their people were been treated caused the brothers to give false names in order to survive throughout the period of external rule, this is a classical example of mimicry as they had to alter their names to suit the preference of the Germans.
Also, the jobs of the people were affected as they had to quit to cache in a safe location. Mr. Joffo was a famous and favorable barber in Porte de Clignancourt a district in the north of Paris. He had to quit his job in order to survive because the Germans were demolishing the shops in the district. His children Albert and Henry were also professional barbers; they were trained by their father but unfortunately, they could not practice in Paris because the Germans had invaded their land.
The colonists became scared of their colonizers because of the

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