Date: 01 March 2012
Subject: Fundamental Rights
Subject Code: FUR 2601
NOTE: Assignment answers based on fact pattern 1 of FUR201/101/3/2012 page 21.
RHS Column for Remarks/ Suggestions:
Question: 1 (a):
HIV/AIDS is killing more and more South Africans daily and the mere possibility of a fourth line anti-retroviral treatment which has undergone the correct testing and systems should be made known to the public. Due to the new Medicines Control Amendment Act s5 which permits the Minister of Health to supress findings which she deems counter to current state policies by issuing a restraint on Professors Spies and Maseko, their treatment can now not be published. As counsel for Professors Maseko and Spies, they have standing to
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There is no evidence available that proves this treatment to be dangerous and is in fact seen as a breakthrough by international and domestic experts. The Minister of Health remains certain that the garlic, African Potatoes and vitamins is sufficient enough. In the case Janse van Rensburg v Minister van Handel en Nywerheid, Professors Maseko and Spies are entitled to know what are considered to be the dangerous elements of their treatment since no alternative relief was provided. Allowing the treatment to be released will be of great interest to the public and will benefit a great number of them too.
The main personal rights of Professors Maseko and Spies which are being infringed upon are their freedom to the press and other media, their freedom to impart information or ideas and their academic freedom of scientific research, since their research findings have been suppressed.
Taking into account all the above factors, Professors Maseko and Spies do have standing to bring this constitutional challenge to the new Medicines Control Amendment Act s5. As soon as a fundamental right has been infringed upon, it is the individual’s right to challenge this and stand before the court with their findings, proof and evidence.
Marks: ___/5
Question: 1 (b):
The Treatment Action
AB266 was presented by Assemblywoman Neal. The purpose of this bill is to allow employers to deduct Family Medical Leave wages paid by the employer to an employee who has taken leave under certain circumstances. The amount of the deduction is equal to the Family Medical Leave wages paid during that period and allows that deduction against the amounts reported for the calculation of certain taxes. The Department of Taxation submitted a fiscal note of $86,147 in FY 18 and $61,477 in FY 19 based on the original bill. Assemblywoman Neal noted that the amount of the deduction is limited to $500 per employee per week with a maximum length of 12 weeks.
I found you post interesting, and as to your question I have not seen, a facility that the nurses [OB] have such a huge responsibility. Labor room or birthing rooms on the unit yes but the other no “…a hospital which contain their own operating rooms, with each primary nurse serving the role of patient advocate, circulating nurse, scrub technician at times, PACU nurse along with being able to provide bedside care for their patients throughout labor”. It reminds me of a very similar situation in a facility where I was night supervisor where the “30 minuet rule for decision to incision” standard often occurred, and with less supporting staff,
Submit report with CRA matrix to Assignment Minder. Note that you need to attach the Assignment Minder ‘assignment cover sheet’ to the front of the document wallet.
Allied Bombers dropped 3.4 million tons of bombs between 1939 and 1945. That is an average of 27,700 tons of bombs each month. These are the types of things in the world that present day people need to be aware of! Not everyone in the world is aware of all the terrible and horrifying things that have happened in the past, and even things that happen in today's world, and Projekt 1065 will help people to realize some of those things. Projekt 1065, by Alan Gratz, has a reading level of 5.3 and is worth 10 points. Projekt 1065 would be an amazing book for the Language Arts Curriculum because it has an incredible plot, it has very fascinating characters, and the Point-of-View helps to see something in an astonishingly new way.
The multidisciplinary team consists of managers, nursing educators, and physicians are salaried employees and will prepare and provide these educational sessions during non- patient care hours and with no extra pay. The team will not only teach the SBAR tool and also provide educational sessions that provides information on communication styles, and strategies for collaborative communication. To keep the cost down, the author will present the majority of the education sessions and only one day for physicians in the series of classes. Brampton Civic Hospital is a teaching facility, has the auditorium,
Wireless attacks have becoming a more common security issue when it comes to networks. Attacks can get a lot of information that is being sent across a network and use to commit crimes in other networks. Every wireless network is vulnerable to attacks and it is the important that all the necessary security measures are taken so as to prevent the mess these attacks can cause. These attacks are normally carried out to target information that is being shared through the networks. It is therefore very important to know of such attacks so you will be able to identify the attack when it happens.
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As professional photographers you would receive many requests for free images on a regular basis. In a perfect world, each of us would love to be able to respond in a positive manner and assist, especially with projects or efforts related to areas such as education, social issues, and conservation of natural resources. To a photographer creating compelling images is the way they make their living. If they were give away their images for free, or spend too much time responding to requests for free images, they would and could not make a living.
HIV/AIDS has been responsible for one of the worst epidemics in history. In her book “The Invisible Cure” Helen Epstein details why Africa in particular was so devastated by the disease, which countries failed and which succeeded in the struggle to contain the virus, and why this happened. Epstein highlights a particular phenomenon, that first took place in Uganda, but which can be translated to many countries and situations, and which she calls “the invisible cure.”
In The Invisible Cure, Helen Epstein talks about why HIV/AIDS rate is so high in Africa compared to the rest of the world. Through the book, she gives us an account of the disease and the struggles that many health experts and ordinary Africans went through to understand this disease, and how different African countries approached the same problem differently. Through this paper, I will first address the different ways Uganda and Southern African countries, South Africa and Botswana in particular, dealt with this epidemic, and then explain how we can use what we have learned from these African countries to control outbreaks of communicable disease elsewhere around the world.
What is the risk impact or risk factor (critical, major, minor) that you would qualitatively assign to the risks, threats, and vulnerabilities you identified for the LAN-to-WAN Domain for the healthcare and HIPPA compliance scenario?
Proper checks and balances should be in place for all preparing or handling the budget, as well as appropriate reporting and authorization mechanism (M.U.S.E., 2013).
The film 2081 directed by Chandler Tuttle is an adaption of the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegurt Jr. Which looks into a dystopian society which everyone is finally equal. Vonnegurt wanted to show us how absurd the world will become when everyone is equal and Tuttle has convey that perfectly in his adaption. The story is told from George Bergeron perspective as he watches his son Harrison performs his act of rebellion and his own requiem. Tuttle uses Harrison to criticise how absurd perfect equality is and uses George to show how media can control our lives and dictate how we view of our society.
Reflexivity is a qualitative method of research that takes an ethnography one step further, displaying the personal thoughts and reflections of the anthropologist on his informants. Ethnographies generally take an outside or foreign perspective of a culture, like reading a text, and reflexivity introduces a new component of inside description. Here, the anthropologist may describe personal interactions and experiences with natives and use this inside information to make additional conclusions about the people being studied. The ethnographer may also reflect on his ethnic connections with his informants, or his acceptance into the society, explaining that it provides valuable, inside knowledge of the
A number of African countries have been the worst hit by the spective of AIDS. CIPLA an Indian Pharmaceutical Company has offered to market ant aids medicine at one length the cost at which it is sold by global pharmaceutical firm. However due to the product patent, law, substantial controversy has been generated around the globe on ethical grounds