
Face-Name Recall and Associative Memory

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Furthermore, while numerous studies have investigated the effect of either mnemonic cues and level of processing on associative memory, few have analyzed the additive/combined effect these memory strategies might have on face-name memory performance. A study by Yesavage, Rose, and Bower (1983), comparing elderly participant’s performance across memory strategies proven to enhance face-name associations both replicates and extends McCarty’s earlier research on strategies to improve face- name associations. This experiment both replicates and extends McCarty’s earlier findings of on strategies to improve face-name associations. This study evaluates the efficacy of recalling name-face associations in conditions requiring semantic judgments of the name face association and in condition not requiring affective judgment.
Three groups of participants were tested. The image group was provided the prominent feature of the face, a name transformation, and an image association of the face-name pair. The image + judgment group was provided identical information, but they were asked to judge the pleasantness of the image association, and the no image group was given the prominent feature of the face, and the name transformation, but was not taught to form an image associating the prominent facial feature with the name transformation.
In the no image condition participants encoded faces and names as separate units. For the image condition subjects formed visual image associations

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