During class thirteen we began by talking about facilitators. As a facilitator you want to start off with an icebreaker and go from there. If the group is large, you can invite a colleague in order to co facilitate. Another tool that facilitator’s use is flip charts to allow the parties to see the direction that the facilitation is going. When preparing for a facilitation a facilitator should use note cards or have the parties write on posted notes. Aside from preparation, knowing how to manage the facilitation is important. Knowing who the people that are going to be at the table is helpful to conducting a successful facilitation. Even though the people with the most influence will be at the table with the facilitator; people may still be …show more content…
The event which we had to reenact involved a well-established neighborhood and a church working with mentally ill patients. The church wanted to allow the facility to keep the mentally ill patients at the church for the majority of the day. The problem the neighborhood had with this plan was that the crime rate had already increased and now these patients increase it further. If the facility for the mentally ill did not monitor them well enough they could then roam the neighborhood unsupervised. Our professor’s goal for the opposing groups was to come to a common ground in regards to allowing the mentally ill patients to stay at the church. As part of the facilitation our professor created an agenda on the board for the class where we would talk about interest, individual positions. Secondly, our professor explained the ground rules one rule being to wait to be recognized. We also could not talk to the press about the events occurring within the facilitation. Next each person in my group explained their relation to the neighborhood. While my partners were explaining their expectations the professor was charting our comments on the agenda written on the white board. After we finished introducing who we were, we then moved on to explaining our positions. Some of the positions for the neighborhood included our worry about loud music and a crime increase due to the mentally ill facility. Afterwards our professor explained for the neighborhood our main interest was the safety of the neighborhood. On the other hand the interest of the church was the inclusion of the mentally ill. Throughout the rest the facilitation both groups asked each other pertaining the objections from each side. The church wanted to allow the mentally ill to stay at the church; while the neighborhood was unsure if was a good idea. Lastly, after we exchanged questions we then explained our
I think a conference room setting would be appropriate for such training. In this setting each team member will recognize that although there is a facilitator, each member of the team has value and will feel more free to input their opinion as well as any expertise they may have that is relevant to the task at hand.
The focus of our facilitation was on the new Ontario health curriculum by Kathleen Wynne. The topic of discussion is currently a controversial issue in Ontario that provokes strong opinions of families, staff, and persons of authority. We discussed the concerns of the staff and parents, analyzing potential barriers, ethical issues, as well as benefits of the implementation of the curriculum.
The final identified recommendation is the use of a standardized action plan format that will provide the framework for change. Defined expectations and deadlines will ensure that progress is maintained amongst the numerous and diverse clinical settings. My role-modeling of this step will teach my management team how to utilize this tool as well as assist with setting the expectation that they utilize the tool with their staff members as well.
For my action plan, I have decided that I will hold a civis week. This will be a week dedicated to allowing everyone at St.Max to wear whatever they want for a whole week, the students will vote for which week they want throughout the year. For every day they wear civis that will be one dollar, and knowing the students at St.Max they will pay for all five days. The teachers will do what they usually do for a civics day, by asking for civis money in the morning, but for the civs week they will ask everyday. The students can either choose to pay all fave dollars at once, or they can pay per day. Of course all the money is going to children in developing countries who suffer from child labour, so if the students sympathies with
The strategies/resources I used includes the ice-breaker handout. I used the ice-breaker handout to use at the beginning of the session. I also used a few websites to find activities to use during the middle of the session after I educated the group on the topics.
The study conducted in 2013 by Dogherty, Harrison, Graham, Vandyk, & Keeping-Burke aims were to describe the Canadian health system's knowledge of the facilitation process in implementing evidence based practice (EBP) among experience nurses. They identified factors that positively and negatively impacted the facilitation process by bringing together 20 nurses across Canada that possessed various backgrounds and years of experience. Their mission was to explore what was successful and not successful in implementing evidence into practice. The selected nurses underwent reflective exercise under the direction of two international researchers with notable experience in facilitation and knowledge translation. Based upon the analysis of the data
The process of picking who will be part of the group is vital as well, in class discussions we talked about picking certain people that will be able, to be honest, and share during that time. A group facilitator would never choose someone for a group that will not talk and is it, the central theme of group therapy is having others share about their past and presents experiences. During the facilitating period, there will be times where there are arguments between people in the group during class hours; we had great discussions on how to deal with the situation where multiple people are arguing during this period. Some of my suggestions were getting the two people to talk after class and resolve issues that they might have with the other person.
2. Introduce people to one another. Introductions are important. The lack of introductions can cause upsets. Not making proper introductions can cause confusion in the group.
Our group facilitation was on the subject of time management with regards to completing most important tasks first and devoting time to those specific tasks. Our goals for the group were to create an inclusive, encouraging, and positive environment between group members. My partner and I researched ideas for information that we could use to share as well as use our experience’s with the topic amongst the group. The duration of our group facilitation was ten minutes. As we reflect on the events coming to and during the facilitation we will discourse the inclusion between group members, linking members to discussion and group as well as the process of our facilitation.
During week eight we began class by letting our classmate read her opening statement. Everything said she said in her opening statement covered the guidelines of what is required. One thing that my classmate mentioned that other students in class did not explain in their opening statement was the conflict of interest. Before a mediator can mediate they need to make sure there is not a conflict of interest. The best way to address this issue is to state whether you have worked with any group or special interest that could conflict with the current mediation. After we covered the opening statement of our classmate we then did a role play for the auto anguish activity. This activity would cover a majority of class,
After completing the group task of preparing a presentation on, transferring individual facilitation skills into a group work setting I will critically reflect upon my own participation. I will evaluate my self-awareness while working in the group, as well as those around me. The way that I personally dealt with any issues that arose within the group and how that affected the group dynamics. I will also briefly discuss the roles in which each member of the group took and how role allocation affected, the group dynamics and the working relationships. Finally I will evaluate my work having discussed it with my fellow group members.
Each specialty department that has been called in will determine their perspective and advise based on their scope of practice. Clergy, psych liaison and patient liaison will all meet with Tim individually without the family or staff in the room, their findings will be considered in assessing the legal ramifications in dealing
expressive art, the facilitator was well-prepared and knew the topic very well. This made the participants feel confident and more engaged in the session. I believed this helped the facilitator achieved the desired outcomes.
Start out with an audio tracks meeting goal. Ensure it covers specific subjects planned to create specific result. Send the agenda beforehand, with any foundation on important what to be examined. This kind of can give meeting users and possibility to prepare thoughts and materials they believe will soon be important. Put real things at the best point of the agenda for thought first. Convey however much data as could be likely beforehand, so those at the meeting will come arranged with base on the subjects to be talked about. Combine proposed choices or selections. Produce a specific proposal for activity so talk commences with a reasonable main interest. Work with innovation. Send data by email at whatever point conceivable. Incorporate connections for online references.
This involves what I would call housekeeping where it is decided who to invite, where the meeting will take place, what one issue would you like to address (what are your goals – objectives) to improve academically and socially remembering that this is your perspective. Be aware that you must be open to changes that may come about from new or another perspective that may come up in the meeting. The meeting should be conducted without a table with the participants sitting in a circle. Be sure to have materials needed available and/or copies of work completed.