
Factors Of Favor Of The Argument Essay

Good Essays

Module 2 Assignment 2: Factors in Favor of and Against

Name: Kellie Runyon

Topic: Universal health care: Governmental provision of free health care for all citizens.

Part 1: Matrix

Strength of the Argument
(1- strongest,
6 - weakest)
Reasons for
Reasons Against
Universal health care would be affordable for everyone
Millions of people would save money with universal healthcare due to everyone paying an equal amount; whether it be through tax increase or some other form. However, it will amount to less money than those who are paying for healthcare now due to the fact that every citizen pays for it and not only the people who can afford the raising prices.

Tax Increases to cover the healthcare change.
Public health would improve with universal health care
All citizens will have unlimited access to the medical professionals. Many people that cannot afford insurance will now have unlimited opportunities to get annual exams and help to prevent major health issues from going unseen.
With an increase in the amount of people needing/wanting medical treatment, there will be a shortage of medical staff. This will cause longer wait times, limited resources, as well as not having enough doctors and specialists to meet the demand.
The cost of healthcare would be lower for the US when expenses are prioritized.
Other countries that provided universal health care spend half as much as the US does with the amount of people who currently have health insurance. The US is

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