
Factors That Affect The Rate Of Drug Distribution

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List and describe the four factors that affect the rate of drug distribution.
"The main factor which relates to absorption of drugs is the route of administration. Physiological considerations in absorption are blood flow, total surface area, time of arrival of the drug and time of drug at absorption site. Other considerations for absorption are solubility, chemical stability and how soluble the drug is in lipids".
"Drugs are distributed into major body fluids (e.g. plasma). Specific tissues may take up certain drugs (e.g. iodine is taken up by the thyroid gland). Drug distribution is affected by the extent that the drug binds to plasma proteins. Drug distribution is affected by barriers (e.g. the placenta and the BBB)".
"This is a process of metabolizing drugs in the body. It occurs mainly in the liver and is therefore often called hepatic metabolism. Some drugs are given that are activated by this hepatic metabolism. These are called pro-drugs. Drug metabolism is split into two phases in the liver. An example of phase I metabolism would be oxidation. An example of phase II metabolism would be conjugation.
"Excretion includes renal elimination and faecal elimination. The main method of renal elimination is by active glomerular filtration. Drugs can also be eliminated by passive methods in the distal tubules. Drugs can be eliminated from the body in bile and so removed in the faeces".
Drug action
Drug action relies on

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