
Facts About Worland High School

Decent Essays

Many people say your years in high school are the best years of your life; those people would be correct. High school could be described as inspirational, a good use of four years, and a great place to discover self esteem. Not only is high school fun and educational, the rules and regulations are also superb. From dress codes to bullying, the school covers everything in a totally reasonable way. My absolute favorite thing about Worland High school is by far the new and improved attendance policy.

To begin, one reason I love the attendance policy is because it teaches students that school is a number one priority. Students are limited on the number of absences they receive each year, which teaches students about responsibility. In recent …show more content…

As minors, and of lesser importance than teachers, it would make absolutely no sense to ask students their input on attendance. I love that I have been given the opportunity to experience a different culture in my four years of high school. It makes absolute sense to have your hard earned credits taken away by missing one too many classes. Submission by fear is really working out great in our school. I think it’s really cool that the school punishes students academically for behavior. It makes sense, a student talks in class but still gets all their work done correctly should lose points for …show more content…

I love the rush I get from knowing i could lose my diploma from missing too many days, living life on the edge of my seat. As a student, we shouldn’t have the same rights teachers do because we aren't being paid to be there. I love going somewhere everyday, volunteering my time, and being strongly encouraged to only miss fouteen days in nine

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