
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

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(MIP-3) This limitation of knowledge and memory is not empowering to society but instead this route of change actually causes the downfall and destruction of the world.(SIP-A)This collapse is due to leaders, who have now become lonely because of the state of others.(STEWE-1)Due to state of the community and the lack of emotions the leaders of the government also get affected. By making the community no longer feel emotions they have basically isolated themselves from the rest of the world. Both in terms of power and thinking. The original goal for the people in authority was to gain more control and they accomplished that. But by doing so they additionally create a world where they can no longer connect with other people because they are inhumane. …show more content…

He is a victim of the lack of humanity in the community. His higher level of thinking causes him to become lonely and ultimately drives him to suicide, “Beatty wanted to die. In the middle of the crying Montag knew it for the truth. Beatty had wanted to die. He had just stood there, not really trying to save himself” (116). He like the others members of the government are steered to suicide because of their isolation and then thus we get a situation where all people, citizens, and government are killing themselves. With this death how can the nation as a whole function. This lack of function ultimately drives the collapse of the society.(SIP-B)Another reason for the destruction of the society is that the people are unable to contribute to the world, and are oblivious to everything that is going on outside of their television screens.(STEWE-1)The scarcity of originality in the community is a crucial reason why society comes to its inevitable demise. What transpires in the nation is that no one is contributing, and the only people who can make a difference are either in the government or killed, “McClellan, Run over by a car. …show more content…

I'm not sure. But I think she's dead” (44). By doing this the government makes it so only a select few people can actually make a difference in society and thus causes the majority of the community to not be able to contribute anything, “What did the others give to each other? Nothingness” (149). And in a world where the mass population isn’t contributing it makes it so that the world cannot operate, because if the government is dysfunctional and doesn’t know what it's doing then there would be no one else to step in and help because they cannot think. (STEWE-2)And not only would they not be able to help, they wouldn’t even volunteer to help bring back society because they are so blind to what's going on that even when the world around them is being destroyed they won’t notice that anything is wrong, this is seen with the war, “Jesus God," said Montag. ‘Every hour so many damn things in the sky! How in hell did those bombers get up there every single second of our lives! Why doesn't someone want to talk about it? We've started and won two atomic wars since 1960. Is it because we're having so much fun at home we've forgotten the world?” (70). Since they have been so brainwashed by the design of the world they cannot think and notice things happening around them.

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