
Failures Of Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler is one of the most notorious villains in all of history for his unspeakable crimes against humanity, but how he came to be so powerful is not often known. He effectively attained utmost power through both self-activation, and his ability to acclimate to the social conditions posed in Germany at this time. Hitler rose to sovereignty on the strength of his personality and vision, and through a tactic called coercive power. His followers swore allegiance to him and no one else. Adolf Hitler used the weakness of Germany’s socioeconomic status, resentment felt by most German inhabitants towards their governments’ choices and actions, and the incompetence of The Weimar Government to aid his accession. The mid-1930’s was a time of …show more content…

The Weimar Republic’s democratic system was too weak to function properly and lead to more weaknesses against any communist threat. This weakness allowed ‘Splinter Parties’ to become elected, and parties contesting elections purely off the basis of not believing in the democratic system. The DNVP (German National People’s Party), which originated in 1918 and is comprised of old Monarchy supporters, is an example of a splinter party. They had intense rural support, in Protestant areas. They were later associated with Hitler’s coalition and represented just one of many of the communist threats the Republic was ill-prepared to take on. (Weimar Germany 1919-1933). This instability within the government and democratic system also meant instability with the economy. A government that cannot handle a democracy and their elective ways, cannot effectively repair from the harsh reparations of the Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles. Many communist groups rebelled against this Republic because of their inability to provide stability to Germany’s economy, and society. The Spartacus League, a left-wing branch of the German government sought a society modeled after the Russian style revolution. In 1919 leaders of the left-wing opposition, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg lead a revolt against the Weimar Republic in Berlin. The Republic fled Berlin due to the intense pressure placed by the revolt. Much later, after the defeat of the left-wing opposition Germany’s

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