
Fair Use By Eric Faden

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, claiming that Eric Faden has broken any laws pertaining to copyright is downright ludicrous. I think all of us here know what Fair Use is but as a refresher it’s any copying of a copyrighted material done for a limited and transformative purpose. Those purposes can be for critical commentary, educational purposes, parody or satire, purpose of archiving materials, using to trigger discussion, personal reportage or diary, and pastiche or collage. Does a video telling the viewers about copyright, what it is, what it’s used for, and how it’s enforced not sound like a video for educational purposes. Mr. Faden is entertaining us while teaching us about a section of law not many commoners know much about. Some might argue that the video uses too much content from various disney movies. …show more content…

With movie times averaging around 95 minutes, taking 10 of those to use for a video can be considered fair use. Faden took 10 minutes from 28 movies. That leaves about 36 seconds for each clip to be played. 36 seconds from one movie isn’t that much. That time on its own is enough to claim fair use due to this video being educational and Faden didn’t use and excess amount. Another reason this video is fair use is how much it has transformed the original work. The original work was movies created by disney to entertain us with rich worlds, dialogue and character backstory. This new transformative work is nothing like

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