
Fair Work Act 1995 Case Study

Decent Essays

The case shown to the court, shows Mr Blyth’s dismissal was not unfair as he did not follow the Safety policies of JBS Australia. The Fair work Commission have many aspects of law to consider before deciding if the dismissal was unfair. The case was brought to the commission within the 21 day period. The Fair Work Act 2009 shows that this case was not a harsh dismissal due to the fact that they followed all the points in s.387. There was a valid reason for dismissal, Mr Blyth was notified of the safety, there was an opportunity to respond, there was no unreasonable refusal by the employer to allow the person to have a support person present to assist at any discussion related to dismissal, Mr Blyth did not relate the dismissal to unsatisfactory …show more content…

Mr Blyth lodged his complaint with in the 21 day period, and he was protected by unfair dismissal and no questions of consistency with the Small Buisness Dismissal code or Genuine Redundancy arise. According to s.491 of the Fair work Act 2009 the permit holder of occupational health and safety must comply with any reasonable request by the occupier of the premises for the permit holder to comply with an occupational health and safety requirement that applies to the premises. Mr Blyth did not meet the request by the employer by not having a waist band on. Therefore, I believe that the dismissal was not unfair due to the breach of the company’s safety policies, there was no clear evidence that the claim from Mr Blyth that it was a “practical method of training.” Therefore, there is a reason for a dismissal plus with the several warnings including a written warning for breaching the Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation Policy, written counselling for breaching the Food Safety and Quality Assurance Policy and a note in the Foreman Activity Report for failing to wear safety

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