
Fair Work Australia Essay

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Introduction Fair Work Australia (FWA) was established by the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act) and will commence operations on 1 July 2009. Fair Work Australia is one of two institutions established to administer the provisions of the Act and to provide a framework for cooperative and productive workplace relations that promote economic prosperity and social inclusion. The Act also establishes the office of the Fair Work Ombudsman to undertake compliance, education and advice functions. Fair Work Australia and the Fair Work Ombudsman will develop cooperative and seamless approaches to the delivery of services to employees, employers and organisations. 1.1 Role Their main role is to advocate harmonious, productive and cooperative relations. Provide compliance with Australian workplace laws and to monitor certain 457 visa arrangements. Part of their service is to give free education to people working in Australia about fair work practices, their rights and obligations. They assess complaints or suspicious breaches of workplace laws, awards and registered agreements. Bring matter before court of law some circumstances to enforce workplace laws and impede people from doing wrong in the community and amplifying effective relationship with industry, unions along with other stakeholders. 1.3 Scope Fair Works Commission manages all matters overseeing work environment relationship, head honcho representative relationship and all matters administered under the reasonable works act

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