
Fallacy Summary and Application Essay

Decent Essays

Fallacy Summary and Application

Throughout this paper, we will discuss the relative meanings of fallacies and the importance they have in regards to critical thinking and the decision-making processes. Within the process of critical thinking, fallacies tend to play a very large part of this process. By definition, a fallacy is a statement or an argument based on a false or invalid reference (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language). As you will read on further into this paper, we will begin to define the significance that fallacies play with the role of critical thinking and decision-making. Fallacy Summary and Application
From the master list of logical fallacies, I have chosen four different fallacies …show more content…

There is obvious difficulty in distinguishing between exaggeration of facts and mere expressions of opinion, and that is why the trail from puffery to fraud is a slippery slope. For example, a franchisor describes a prospective business opportunity as having a “high profit potential.” To the franchisor, this means that there are no promises in regards to profits, but that high profits could result from the hard work and enthusiasm of the franchisee. To the franchisee, the expression “high profit potential” means that the franchisor is in a superior position and must have some basis to know whether the opportunity has profit potential, the franchisor would not be promoting the opportunity unless it had profit potential, and the franchisor must possess data or information supporting the expression that the profit potential is high. I feel that this example shows that there is a possibility of having gray areas within business decisions and the critical thinking process as it relates to businesses. It all comes down to the individual perception of one person compared to another person.
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Post hoc ergo propter hoc is also an argument offering an explanation that confuses co-occurrence with causality based on a temporal ordering of the events: A comes before B, so A causes B. In fact, the temporal ordering of the two events is likely to have been merely coincidental, or the result of some further causal factor

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