
False Belief Theory

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The theory of mind or ToM is the instinctive ability to perceive yourself and recognize that others have their own minds just like ours, but they might think and believe different things. This perception is thought to develop within the early years of infancy and continue to develop through adulthood (Alic). This ability should allow someone to perceive another's intentions and thoughts, and possibly be able to assume what they are going to do or what they're going to think. ToM goes hand in hand with cognitive learning, including language, social skills, and the ability to manipulate others (Alic). It has been believed since famous psychologist Piaget proposed that ecocentrism, or the ability to differ your own view points from other's, isn't …show more content…

False belief was tested to show at what ages children begin to understand that other's beliefs may differ from their own and then they are to predict the behavior even though there is a differing belief involved. In this particular experiment, two children of the age of four were to hide a coin together in a room, then one children is to step out and the second child will then hide the coin in a different spot. The second child is to then predict where the first child will look for the coin. Most children under the age of four can not comprehend that the other child will not know that the coin's placement was moved and therefore will not look for it in the new spot, but in the old spot. Most children will say that the other child will look for the coin in the new spot. This portion of ToM goes to show that this ability is not developed until later on in life, around the age of …show more content…

By age seven, they are able to think consciously and understand that the process of thinking is an ongoing thing whereas younger children think thinking begins and ends when a thought has come and gone (Alic). In elementary school, children are able to use empathy, understand misconstruing something like mistaking a person for another person, and use sarcasm. Children around the age of six begin to understand that a belief can be changed with sufficient evidence, whereas children younger will believe something to be true even contrary to evidence

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