
Family Engagement And Academic Success

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Family Engagement and Academic Success
Victoria Visor
University of Houston- Clearlake Abstract
This study focuses on family engagement and its correlation to academic success in students and how implementation can be advocated. This is a critical task in a rapidly changing society where mostly everything has resulted to automated counterparts that does the work for us i.e. web-based classes, online tutoring services, educational computer programs that we have seemingly come to depend upon instead of using as a resource and have somewhat completely removed ourselves from the educational realm of our children. The study used findings from various educational journals to validate family engagement in the following manner: 1) to …show more content…

As a result of this research one learns family engagement are and should be viewed as prevailing implements for enhancing a students’ academic success and making schools and communities socially receptive to the families that formulate it. Keyword: family engagement, academic success, parent involvement, partnerships

Family Engagement and Academic Success
It has been proven there is a positive relationship between students being successful in school and the involvement of parents throughout the educational journey. Through various research and experiment methods this relationship has been continuously confirmed and supports this claim. Family engagement is a joint dependability between families and the community to come together and organize ways for parents to aid in the tutelage and progress of their child, it extends well into adulthood, and it encompasses all aspects of a child’s life no hindrance of situations acceptable. When family engagement is present students are more likely to complete high school and go to and through college. It is an imperative part of a students’ academic success within the school system. Through family engagement in education students earn higher grades and test scores, have better relationships with families and graduate at a higher rate than those who do not experience considerable engagement throughout the school years. Engagement should start in

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