
Family Genogram : The Characteristics Of My Family

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while creating my family genogram, it became apparent that there is a remarkable similarity of personality traits among my grandparents and my parents. Each wife is seen as strong-minded or strong-willed while the husbands’ personality trait is described as being more laidback. I found it quite humorous to think about because I can see it in my own relationship as well, whereas I find myself to be the strong-willed one while my boyfriend tends to be more relaxed. Before Helen Pocock passed away, my mother would always mention how much we were alike; however, I found this to be quite surprising considering the amount of time we spent bickering at each other. This became progressively apparent during her last few weeks of life, in which she resided in our house until we could place her in a nursing facility. For one weekend, I had the responsibility to care for my grandmother; meanwhile, my parents traveled to Texas to move all of her belongings back to New York. During this time, my grandma and I would constantly quarrel to the point where I felt frustrated, angry, and exhausted. I ended up calling my mom to vent to her about the situation, in which she stated that we are both strong-minded people that has to have the last say; hence, why the arguing felt relentless. This also tends to happen when my mom and I argue, in which the fight last ten times as long and ends up being way worse than it should be. However, when disagreements arise with my father and tempers start to

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