
Family Is The Most Valuable Group Of People

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Family is the most valuable group of people in life. Family is whom you should also give your hand to, to be loyal to, after all they are who raised you. For me, family means somebody who is close to me, even by blood or by heart. Family is divided in six structures, and there is no best one. Each unit of family has its pros and cons. When I grow up, I want to have a nuclear family because it’s the one I live in right now and the one I want for my future. I see more advantages than disadvantages, and this structure has got my attention the most. However, some conditions can affect the best unit of family. In the book, We Need New Names, we deal with two types of situation that are common today, the nuclear and the extended family. Aunt Fostalina’s family is an example of nuclear family, which the members are Aunt Fostalina, Uncle Kojo, and TK. However, Darling’s family back in Paradise is an example of extended family, in which she lived with her mother, her father – when he came back from South Africa –, and with her grandmother.
It doesn’t exist the best unit or structure of family. The best one is the one that has no confusion, arguing, and the family is happy. The family that all the members are happy is the best one. For me, the best one is the nuclear family, what is the one in my house. There are four people: my father, my mother, my sister, and I, and we are all happy. All the four of us complete each other, so we don’t need anybody else to be in our family by blood

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