Item: Family picture
Family to me is one of the most important things in my life. They are always there for me and I always try to be there for them. In my culture we are very close with the whole family which includes; aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. The fact that they are so far away in Colombia is sad but I am grateful whenever we go back to Colombia and I get to see them for a few weeks. They mean everything to me and I would always put family first no matter what. To me it is one of the most important values.
Item: Dictionary
This dictionary means two things to me, one of the things is just something about me, I am trilingual and speak; French, Spanish, and English. I have a passion of learning new languages and I am trying to learn Italian
My family, which are my three boys are my world. Every decision, including going back to school and working nights so I could be there for them during the day was made with them in mind. Family means different things for different people. I personally do not think family can just be classified as mom, dad and kids. It is whomever has made the decision to go through life together as a team. The author of our text book, Kendall describes family like this, “As relationships in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group.” (Kendall, 2014) I personally think family is the foundation that makes us who we are and makes society so
Stereotypes are present in both episodes whether they are from a gender stand point or a culture point of view. I believe what attracts viewers to these two shows is the family base, The Proud Family and George Lopez each describe their hard challenges they must confront as a family. The tagline for George Lopez states, “Family is forever. Sanity is only temporary,” (Helford, Lopez & Oppenheimer, Bullock, 2002) and for the The Proud Family states, “There’s no place like home, girl!” (Smith, 2001)
My family is the most important thing for me, I would die for them, I would do anything for them to keep them alive, and they would do the same for me. Sometimes I don't show any affection to my relatives, and that is what makes it difficult for them to communicate with me. I try to be affectionate with them, but I get uncomfortable or uneasy. But, aside from that, I still love them, and as said before, I will give my whole existence for any of them. Familia will always be there for you, no matter what, and if they are not, then I do not know what they are. A family is supposed to have your back, supporting you wherever they are and wherever you are, anywhere you go. Even if you think you are a grown independent human, you will forever need them, there will always be a moment where you will be sad and you will want to go back with your mamá or your papá, or even your abuelos, or uncles. And, let me tell you, no matter what you think, the past is in the past the present is the present, they will not care, they will forever love you, and will be happy to see you
On a daily bases people make excuses for everything. Everything meaning our actions and the things that we say. Common things that we make excuse for deal with sexist, racist, and heterosexist comments. Sexist is classified as saying that one sex is better than the other. An example of this is someone calling a male or female something that they are not. I do not like this because we are all humans and deserve to be respected and not called something that is degrading. We all know that racist is downgrading one race compared to another. An example of this is, saying that all black people are loud and ghetto. We all act the same but some people do certain things different from others. That’s just there way of living. I do not think that just because one person acts one way the whole race does also. Heterosexist is defined as heterosexuality is better than all other expressions. An example of this would be talking about how a guy dresses and calling him gay. I do not agree with this as well because it is good to stand out and be your own person not matter how others see you.
Family is supposed to listen to you when you're in need. Family is supposed to have your back. Family is supposed to be loyal. Family is supposed to be dependable. Family is supposed to accept you at your worst and best moments. Family is supposed to make you laugh and smile. Family is the number one unconditional love that everyone has. Whether it be the unconditional love from immediate family members or close friends, everyone has that one person they go to in times of need. It’s funny how those closest to you can hurt you the most.
Modern Family is a show that portrays marriage and families. They are all one big family due to different marriages that take place. However, there are three separate smaller families. They have a family with a wife, husband, and three children. There are three distinct families: "the cliche family," wife, husband, kids, and middle class, gay couple with an adopted child, an interracial couple with the husband being a lot older than the wife, and her child. Occasionally, she discusses the hardships of being a single mother before marrying her husband. For the most part, the show seems to attempt to be inclusive about all of the different types of families there are now. However, there are gender stereotypes included in the show involving the
“Modern Family,” a television show created and written by ABC Network is one of the funniest, most relatable and cleaver shows that has ever hit our television screens. “Modern Family” centers on the lives of three families living in modern day Los Angles, California. Jay – aged husband and Gloria Pritchett – sexy Latino wife are the modern day California couple. Gloria has a son named Manny from her previous marriage. Jay’s son, Mitchell, is a very feminine man married to an even more feminine man, Cameron.
Many people are aware of the reputation that goes along with PDA and as a result many people are afraid of the criticism and stigma that goes along with PDA. Thus, they are too embraced to participate in it. I remember having the same fears of being criticized by others around me with my girlfriend. I envisioned how the scene would go down in my head several times
My family are like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, at different paces but our roots will always run deep. Family will always come first to me, above all else; coming from a home with no father, the only father figure i had was my grandfather, to me family is so important because it is who we come from. Family
"A guy bought his friend an elephant for his room. The friend said 'thanks.' The guy said 'don't mention it.'" Most of us had to experience them first hand whether we liked it or not. There almost as impossible to escape as the SATs during the college process.
Have you ever been in a debate between something? Well in the article “ Is this generation really more informed?” We read about how people think that this generation is more informed than the generations in the past because everyone has technology and phones. But not all people are correct. Everyone is not always informed about the right things. Some people are more worried about the things that interest them than about things that are important to the world.
The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reports that millions of children around the world are imprisoned daily into illegal child labor, depriving them of their childhood. The conditions of the work facilities are often life threating to their health. Instead of getting an education, these suffering children are working. Without an education, they really have no chance of escaping poverty. If you are thinking this only happens in poor countries, you are mistaken. It happens everywhere, including the United States. There are an estimated 50,000 children slaves in the United States. We can all agree this is horrific. In “The Color of Family Ties: Race, Class, Gender and Extended Family involvement”, Sociologist Naomi Gerstel and Natalia Sarkistan challenge popular notion that minority families have weaker ties and are more fragmented than white families. They find if we only focus on nuclear families, thus ignoring extended families, it creates a biased portrait of families of color. Furthermore, we are missing much of what minority and families of color do for one another. According to their research, the second wave of the National Survey of Families and Households contests stereotypes that Black and Latin families lack strong family’s ties. Most importantly they find social class is more relevant in revealing statistics than ethnicity. Their research also reveals Blacks and Latinos/as typically have less income and education than whites, so they rely more on their family for day-to-day needs: such as childcare, household task or rides. Furth more, Economic deprivation of minorities leads in many ways to higher levels of extended family involvement. The tendency of minorities to live near kin may also reflect their greater need for kin cooperation as well as decreased opportunity’s and pressure to move away, including moving for college. Because Whites tend to have more income than Blacks and Latins, they are more likely to give or receives money to/from family. They find races with the same amount of income have similar involvement with their extended families. Middles class families are more probable to share their private concerns and lend money to relative
My family Is a plays a big part in my life. Without my family i am nothing. My family means so much to me, they are always there for me. They come to every sport game I have. They buy me
The Modern Family television series presents a unique family dynamic, portraying the diversity found in several contemporary American families. Jay Pritchett is a successful businessman who remarried a significantly younger Latin woman, Gloria, who also has a son from a previous marriage, Manny. Their union is representative of a family from a mixed marriage, which is commonly seen in our present-day society. Jay’s adult daughter, Claire is married to Phil Dunphy and their family represents the traditional nuclear family with three children. Jay’s son, Mitchell, is married to Cameron Tucker, introducing the newest familial trend comprising of a same-sex marriage. The extended Pritchett clan exemplifies the different stereotypes commonly seen
Family is important in every culture, it shapes people and makes them who they are.