I awoke tired and grouchy. The night before had left me exhausted but also inspired. The polls don’t lie; the people want the truth and the truth is what I provided. When people see the name Donald Trump, I want them to think of the man who made America great again. America is not like when I grew up in the 50’s. We were once a proud bunch who had the right to be proud, but now we are just another country. As Dad used to say, “Donald, now that we are both men, America has changed. I have faith that one day you will help restore America to its once great glory.” I never quite knew what Dad meant, that is until recently when the nation needed a leader. I instantly knew what he meant. I was to replace Obama as president of the United States of America. On June 16th, 2015, I announced …show more content…
Bernie just sat there quietly grinning and mumbling, “Fool!” Bernie and the bunch proceeded to torture me and insisted I drop out and quit this silly act. I was almost broken by the hours of their idiotic rambling of power and money. That is after all the only true reason they are running. At last I saw it—the light at the end of the tunnel. I managed to slip one wrist out of the ropes waiting to proceed with my next move. Then I heard the real plans. They wanted to nuke Canada and Russia, starting a third world war. They had the codes on my desk in front of them. They were about to press the giant red button that would forever be the click heard round the world if I did not act quickly. I shouted, “Wait. please don’t! You know you will be caught.” Laughter...laughter was all I heard. “You really think we are that stupid?” Bernie said. “We have been planning this for months. You will be blamed for destroying America once we initiate the launch and leave you here
I'm raising money for an underfunded K-8 charter school in Philadelphia called the Cornerstone Christian Academy, and I'd like to invite you to join me in my efforts. Cornerstone provides a safe and nurturing learning environment for students who often come from low income, at risk neighborhoods. It is an organization that I think really deserves our support. If you would like to donate to the students of Cornerstone or simply want to learn more about the cause, click the link listed below to see my fundraising page on the Cornerstone Christian Academy website. The smallest of donations can make a huge
I would like to show you a different perspective on a topic that is very close to me, and hopefully persuade you to see this stance in a different light. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 was passed to punish the states that allowed people under the age of 21 to buy and consume alcohol. I am sure you are aware of this act but that is when i believe a right was taken away from american citizens. I believe that it is a right of an american to go out with his friends or coworkers and relax after a long week of contributing to the economy , by working or putting money into circulation when he buys groceries or picks up the tab at the bar for his friends. I am fully aware of the opposing argument, that “kids” under 21 are not responsible for their actions when they are impaired by drinking, but the same is true about people over 21 as well. What defines 21 as the age that makes you so much smarter than the 20 year old that you were last week.
But today, I stood in front of the Old State Capitol building in with about 10,000 people in front of me. With Michelle by my side and my two daughters right behind me, I walked to the podium and looked at the crowd filled with media and supporters all waiting to hear the news that I had to deliver. I spoke comfortably to the crowd and I finally announced that I was running for the position as the president of the United States. I told the crowd, “The time for that politics is over. It is through.
It was one of the only times in my sixty-two years of life that my pride and joy for my country was jolted. I have heard bad things about where I’m from my whole life, but I have learned that loyalty runs deep. I understood that Mexico isn’t a great place but I never neglected my roots, I have always been proud to call myself Mexican until today. My heart ached for the families, for everyone who felt hurt and betrayed by their country, like I did right
“It’s time to take care of our people, to rebuild our nation and to fight for our great American workers,” Mr. Trump claimed in Indianapolis.
I want to follow up regarding the ice hockey players. Their names are Mihailo Pantic ( Sr. - Serbia) and Frank Popovic (So. - Croatia).
I am pleased to announce that John Clifford has been promoted to Senior Planner effective August 1, 2015.
The knowledge we have been taught, past down through generation, the knowledge we learn in schools, shoved down our throats, is nothing but lies. We being so oblivious believe the repeated fables of a man we come to know as Adolf Hitler the “ jew-killer” and why would we? Why would we question what generations of people state to be the truth. Well I hear today clam Hitler was indent a good person.
If you were a celebrity would fame and fortune make you happy? Yes if it didn't why are they doing what they are doing why are they doing that? It would be pointless if they did it and it didn’t make them happy. Besides they overdose because they got way too drunk and or high. And that's just the plain truth not because of the fake fact that people think that they do it because of sorrow but they don't.
Mya: Hello everyone and thank you for tuning into our channel, “The Downlow and Good to Know”. It’s me, Mya Harris, and I’m back online here with a rather interesting topic that has had a lot of parents questioning: are vaccines truly safe? Today, we’ve invited Dr. Ackerman, a well-known physician from Toronto who has been researching and studying vaccines for over 25 years now. Hello, Dr. Ackerman, it’s nice to have you here today.
First off I would like to thank you for choosing a union other than AFM. There are lots of other unions out there and it is nice to see you did some research. I do have some questions regarding the guild you chose. You say they help the members out by helping find jobs, provide housing for certain members, and other benefits, does this mean that they would only be found only in bigger cities like New York City and L.A.? What are the dues if any? Or is this just an additional service that entertainers in these particular fields can acquire while being members of other unions? You state that this guild will help them survive? Are you saying that they are like unemployment and you get a monthly pay check from them? I am unclear by what
Wait for a clear night, go out to the street, relax, take a deep breath, and finally look up to the sky. Marvel at the stars, while the immense vastness of the unknown cosmos crushes your soul. Now ask yourself:
Welcome friends, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak to you all about the important decision that we are facing. We have all seen the propaganda from the Convention regarding the creation of a federal government; a new central government with a Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation. A central government with powers to create and enforce new laws. A central government that can supersede the laws of the states. A central government with a central figure head overseeing all of the states (Gutzman, 2016). There are many here today that do not understand what all of this implies or all that it entails. Please, allow me to inform you.
I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you.
To explain to my audience the problem of cars that give off too much carbon emissions, and to persuade them to start using more eco-friendly methods of transportation.