
Farah's 'The Other Side Of The Sky'

Decent Essays

The Other Side Of The Sky Timeline Thesis: In Farah's journey from Afghanistan to America she goes through many tough experiences that make her grow emotionally which creates quick thinking, maturity, intelligence and isolation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farah decides to take a shortcut to school in Afghanistan, and steps on a landmine, she gets flown to a German hospital for treatment. “I lifted the blanket, looked down, and saw nothing at all where my leg should have been; just an empty space. Just absence. It was such a jolt. I felt as though an earthquake had given the entire building a shake’(59;ch.). Farah lost a big part of her life that day. Farah has to adjust very fast causing her to think very quickly. She grows emotionally in knowing that her leg has just been taken away from her. The author uses an hyperbole when saying “I felt as though an earthquake had given …show more content…

“After that we didn't know what to do. We did not speak the language. We could not read the signs, and we did not know the rules of this place”(169;ch.). In this moment Farah is very confused and scared. In order to adjust she must figure out an understanding to get to know America. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farah has made it to America and is now ready to start school. ‘Finally the big day came, and i went to school. I was entering as a freshman”(215;ch.). Farah always loved school and always wanted to try new things. Farah grows emotionally through her journey through school, she gains intelligence, making her a more mature and understanding individual.

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