1. This paper will advocate for the continued use of waist measurements in the United States Air Force (USAF) Fitness Assessment (FA). It will cover the reasons why waist measurement is a necessity in maintaining Airmen health and fitness levels, the arguments against waist measurement, and countermeasures proving the inherent need of waist measurements.
2. The body composition component of the USAF FA amounts to 20 percent of the overall composite score and measures the member’s abdominal circumference.1 The waist circumference measurement, along with all other components of the Fitness Test, were developed to maintain a level of health that will optimize
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The problem with the waist circumference measurement is the belief that it unfairly targets a certain population of athletic, large-boned individuals.5 The fact that not all Airmen have the same build, supports the disapproval for the body composition assessment. Summarized by Dawn Rayner, an Air Force fitness leader, as he mimicked the opposers saying, “I can pass all these other components of this test, it’s just the way my body is built, and I’m really not that overfat.”6 Physically fit Airmen have been persistent in this idea that the waist circumference component is not a valid assessment of fitness and should not be part of the fitness test. The argumentative belief is that without the waist measurement, many previously unsuccessful Airmen would pass the fitness test rather than dealing with unfair consequences detrimental to their …show more content…
Air Force Personnel Center, "Air Force Fitness Program," http://www.afpc.af.mil/affitnessprogram/index.asp.
2. Air Force Personnel Center, “Air Force Fitness Program: Frequently Asked Questions,” http://www.afpc.af.mil/affitnessprogram/affitnessfaq.asp.
3. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk,” https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/risk.htm.
4. Air Force Personnel Center, “Air Force Fitness Program: Frequently Asked Questions.”
5. Oriana Pawlyk, “PT test checkup: Tape test fail rate down; run is still a struggle,” Air Force Times, http://archive.airforcetimes.com/article/20140605/NEWS/306050063/PT-test-checkup-Tape-test-fail-rate-down-run-still-struggle.
6. Orianna Pawlyk, “119 airmen failed the waist measurement test, and alternatives,” Air Force Times, http://archive.airforcetimes.com/article/20140911/NEWS/309110069/119-airmen-failed-waist-measurement-test-alternatives.
7. Oriana Pawlyk, “PT test checkup: Tape test fail rate down; run is still a struggle,” Air Force Times.
8. Oriana Pawlyk, “PT test checkup: Tape test fail rate down; run is still a struggle,” Air Force Times.
9. Orianna Pawlyk, “119 airmen failed the waist measurement test, and alternatives,” Air Force
Jane Does, a 27 year old sedentary Hispanic female, who was approached by us to participate in our program. goal was of losing weight. The initial ACSM risk stratification diagnosis indicated a body composition of 27% body fat at 137 lbs with a height of 5’6. The family medical history indicated a history of heart disease on the paternal and maternal side of the family. According to ACSM risk stratification guidelines she does not need a referral from a physician for exercise clearance. Measures regarding examining body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength/endurance,
It appears we are upon that wonderful time of year again, where all BDOs will be evaluated using the BDA Proficiency Evaluation Checklist, better known as PEC. This will be your official one week notice of pending evaluation for each BDO. Unless, instructed otherwise, PECs will commence next Thursday (21st). Please take the time out to prepare for your PEC; evaluations will be based on what you already do on an everyday basis. Get comfortable with your SRQs, behaviors and point values, and proper procedures. I am confident our team will do well.
The PPS year in review, and why it is time for a PPS health check
Per the PT reassessment note dated 04/11/13, the patient has attended 8 gym and aquatic PT sessions.
overweight/obesity in children and adults has become a concern and a threat to national defense
It’s always a good feeling when you begin to see progress in your athletes that you’ve been working with. There will be times throughout our career in which we may become discouraged because we are not getting the results we expect. As we get deeper and deeper into this rotation I’m realizing just how complicated the medical field is, it’s not black and white as most would expect. But I’m glad to hear all is going well and great job on the evaluation. I feel that way too sometimes my athletes are pretty bulky so when I palpate I go based off my anatomy but I rarely feel anything.
- PURPOSE: To propose a plan to rectify readiness deficiencies and meet exercise requirements findings by the Wing Inspection Team in preparation for the Wing Unit Effectiveness Inspection in 12 months. Failure to rectify the discrepancies will result in an unsatisfactory/ineffective UEI rating.
Obesity in America, is almost becoming as sensitive a subject as discrimination or racism. Iain Murray states, “Health statisticians use a formula called the Body Mass Index (BMI) to determine if individuals should be categorized as overweight.” We Americans allow ourselves to indulge in the idea that a simplistic scale can determine whether or not a citizen is healthy or overweight. The scale, which is a basis to determine health and proper weight standings for some, does nothing more than bring about improper readings and emotional distress to others and does not support good health standard.
Here we identify assessment benchmark dates for TELD-3, DIBELS, and iSTEEP. Also, remember last year we used the EOY iLEAP/LEAP for screening.
The British Medical Journal conducted a study in 1996 concluding that there was a 43% error rate in the diagnosis of PVS4. This study makes it clear just how difficult it is to get an accurate diagnosis of PVS.
Demographics: Pt is a 39 yo Caucasian male, born on 4/23/1977. Pt was referred to PT by Dr. Opett, to improve balance and gait.
Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation. Some twenty to thirty percent of American adults are now considered obese (Hwang 1999 and Hirsch et al 1997). With this in mind, Americans constantly look around themselves determining their weight status as well as that of those around them. While some Americans do fit the healthy category, others enter the underweight, overweight, and even obese categories, all of which can be unhealthy.
Performance is significantly less than the expected performance level and requires immediate improvement to retain position.
It is most commonly measured using a tool called Body Mass Index (BMI) that measures body fat of men and women based on their height and weight. To understand the reasons why prevention and treatment of obesity have become an urgent matter, it is essential to first examine the effects it has on health and whether its impact is limited to a particular area. Prevention and treatment methods will also need to be examined to understand their true potential and limits. Although obesity itself and the obesity related diseases are directly linked to a poorer quality of life, it has a far more dramatic impact on individuals. According to Allende and Rayner (2007), obesity
According to Nutrition: Concepts & Controversies, “Obesity experts commonly evaluate the health risks of obesity by way of three indicators” (Sizer & Whitney 327). The first indicator is through the evaluation of a person’s body mass index which measures body mass relative to weight and height. The next indicator is accomplished through measuring waist circumference which reflects the degree of visceral and central fat in proportion to total fat. The final indicator is done through analyzing a person’s disease risk profile.