
Farming In Ancient Greece

Decent Essays

Farm land was used mostly for livestock due to the land being so rocky.
“Most farms were small with four or five acres of land. Farmers grew enough food to support their families and, at times, they grew a small surplus to sell at the local market.” Farmers were under alot of pressure to produce food for Greece.
I feel farming was hard due to the limited land that can be used as cropland. The use of irrigation was an important invention and the loss of fertile soil was bad for all crop farmers. Farming was hard due to the limited amount of land that was farmable
Even though land was scarce they still grew a variety of crops. “Barley was the main cereal crop for the ancient Greek farmers. They made the barley into porridge or ground it into flour to make bread. Olive oil was used for cooking oil or in oil lamps. Grapes were primarily used for wine production, although they could be eaten or dried into raisins.”("Farming in Ancient Greece." Farming in Ancient Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.) Greece was very mountainous and made the soil fertile but there was no vegetation to hold the soil together. “Much of the soils in Greece are made up of silty, sandy soil.Most farms are small because there are no major valleys in Greece.In the Mycenean times, Greece was a land of thickly forested mountains. Farmers were limited …show more content…

“However this was disastrous as the rain fell in the winter along the mountainsides it washed away any fertile soil that may have been there. The tree roots were not there to hold the fertile soil. This resulted in the land becoming even more infertile. The statesman Solon tried to solve the problem by asking his citizens to plant olive trees.”("Greece: Agriculture and natural resources." Greece: Agriculture and natural resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb.

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