
Fashion Design And Effective Design In The Fashion Industry

Decent Essays

Early one morning about four years ago Melissa Miller woke up from a deep sleep with an answer to the question that had been keeping her awake for weeks prior. It hit her the second she opened her eyes. “It was sort of out of no where, like it had come to me in a dream that night,” said Miller, “I just remember waking up and being like ah-ha.” Miller is better known as Emme, the first plus size supermodel, and the question that was keeping her up was how she could contribute the fashion industry, or larger than than that, to womanhood, in a way to that would make an impact. Something that would really stick. Hazily, Emme got out of bed and tip toed to her kitchen so not to wake her 13 year old daughter at this early hour. She made herself a cup of black coffee and settled down at her kitchen table. She started by googling fashion education programs in the United States to confirm her suspicion. That morning, Emme woke up to the realization that the greatest way to make an impact would be to start at the bottom- by working with the people who would be creating the fashion of the future- and, as she suspected, it wasn’t being done. In order to see inclusive design in the fashion industry, Emme would have to start by teaching young people studying fashion design and the fashion industry to create with an inclusive lens. “I was sitting there with my coffee when it dawned on me I actually had to this.” So she did. That morning, Emme began creating the footprint of what is now

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