
Fashion : The Window Of The Soul Essay

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Fashion: The Window to the Soul

Fashion is a combination of Art, love and History. It gives a person a voice without speaking and a purpose. Fashion has been around for decades before it was given a name. In Queen Elizabeth I Era one 's clothing showed social status, individuality, and grace. Women were mostly into fashion, their clothes were unrealistic ; wide hips and small waist (corset). Another glamorizing or disfiguring tool used by fashion-conscious women was the corset. Some were designed to create an elongated figure , exaggerated woman’s hips , and flattened bust, in imitation of the naturally thin ,Queen Elizabeth” (Hull,1996). Clothes were more than materials, they become a part of the person wearing them. Fashion even played an important role in the biblical ages, even the style of fashion has changed over the years. Fashion matters because it expresses one’s personality at first sight, The bible addresses women should ,“The Bible explicitly addresses modesty, perhaps most famously in 1 Timothy 2:9, which instructs women to adorn themselves “with modesty and self-control”. Other Scripture passages similarly encourage Christians to focus on inner beauty over outer adornment… Fashion matters because bodies matter”(75). Men and Women had their own style and dress code. One’s clothing was a representation of ones class and personality. Throughout the decade fashion has developed into

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