
The Emperor's New Clothes

Good Essays

Tyler Welch
Christine Cranford
ENG 113 - 02 IN - 2010SU
16 July 2010
The Emperor’s New Clothes In The Emperor’s New Clothes, the Emperor asked two weavers to weave him a cloth of extreme beauty and wealth -- something that said, “I am Emperor.” What the Emperor did not know was that these weavers were impostors who in the end made him look very idiotic with his “extraordinary dress” of absolutely nothing! However, he did not choose to see that what he was wearing was clearly nonexistent, instead he chose to believe that he was of higher standing than anyone else in his city. Social class is linked to the way people dress every day. This is exemplified in Hans Christian Andersen’s short story, The Emperor’s New Clothes. How is …show more content…

One might even notice that this whole “clothing epidemic” is going on right in front of their own eyes. Girls these days especially are prone to being sucked in by the way they dress. They believe that how they dress affects their popularity status. I myself have gone through this being a young girl at one point! I wonder where they could have gotten this idea from? Oh, that is right, this idea has been going on since the ancient times! In conclusion, the way people dress is indeed important. It has been important from the beginning of the ancient times until today. As much as we would like to believe that Hans Christian Andersen’s interpretation of “dress is not what is important,” there is absolutely no way that this is possible for us. We are shallow as a whole. Much like the Emperor was in The Emperor’s New Clothes. Works Cited
Andersen, Hans Christian. “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Literature for Composition: essays, stories, poems, and plays. Eds. Sylvan Barnet, William E. Cain, and William Burto. 9th ed. Boston: Longman, 2010. 849-852. Print.
Global Oneness. Clothing - Clothing as a social message. Web. 15 July 2010.
Morley, Jennifer. Hair Imagery In Jane Eyre. Web. 15 July 2010.
The Finer Times: Excellence in content. Social Status and Clothing in Medieval Times. The Finer Times, A Division of Pear Corporation. 2009. Web. 15

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