
Fast Food Nation Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout the unit of Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser and watching Fed Up, Food Inc, and Cooked, it has become eivdenthow awful our eating habits are.This unit has also revealed how little we actually know about the food we consume. It was terrible to be shown the terribleness of the fast food industries. Although each of the materials provided showed the truths of the business in their own unique ways, the two most effective to change your diet were Food Inc and Fed Up.

Food Inc was effective, in the fact that, it uses pathos against the viewers by showing how difficult life can be for someone who is severely affected by the fast food industries. It was an eye opener to see the lives of young children already spiraling out of control due to their poor eating habits. The visuals of the movie were hard to endure also because watching how they were dealing with things because it could cause the viewer to want to change their eating habits so they never have to deal with this sort of pain. It was good to see the level of unhealthiness and learning that just because you’re not physically fat, it doesn't mean you’re not internally a fat. With the example of the brothers, the Overweight brother had an unhealthy ratio of fat to muscle, and this was expected. What wasn’t expected though was that the little …show more content…

It made the audience rethink where their food comes from and what they are cutting into their body. Watching how they handled the hanging dead cow bodies, as enough to be thought changing. This film was eye opening when it talked about the main cause of obesity and unhealthiness, sugar. It was crazy to see an actual comparison of the amounts of sugar we intake. It was good to see the animated diagram of the body that the film portrayed as a sort of machine. Seeing the body like this and the difference sugar compared to other foods have on the body was

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