
Food, Inc., By Michael Pollan And Eric Schlosser

Decent Essays

Food, Inc. is a documentary film made by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser. In this documentary they took a look at the practices of food production in the United States. There are several things that I learned from this documentary that was horrifying to me. For this paper I will focus on the following three topics covered in the documentary: fast food to all food, the dollar menu, and hidden costs. The beginning of the documentary discusses fast food to all food. In this section a history of the fast food industry is provided. The documentary further discusses how the fast food industry has transformed what people eat. In addition it debates the farming practices and the whole global food system. According to Pollan and …show more content…

Most of the meat in grocery stores comes from these companies even though they are stamped “from farm”. This can be very misleading for consumers. The dollar menu section of this documentary focused on how processed foods and fast food are typically less expensive than healthier foods. The documentary shows one family having the dilemma at the grocery store: a family is aware that the father who has diabetes needs a healthier diet with more fresh, but they are forced to buy foods they can afford. As the film implies people with lower incomes are more likely to eat processed, cheaper, foods, leading to a higher rate of diabetes, obesity and other health problems. The federal government spends billions each year subsidizing commodity crops. Over time, prices of certain crops, like soybeans and corn, were lowered due to these subsidies causing overproduction which made them a lot cheaper than other crops. Since these crops were so cheap, meat and food producers started using them for a variety of purposes, such as, high-fructose corn syrup, animal feed and hydrogenated oils. The lowest-priced options at the grocery are processed foods made from subsidized ingredients that have refined grains with added fats and sugars. This cheap food has had the greatest impact on low-income families. Because are on a tight budget, the price difference between fresh healthy foods and food with subsidized

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