
Fast Paced, Constantly Attached To A Cell Phone, A Closed

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Fast paced, constantly attached to a cell phone, a closed minded racially diverse culture; are three things a person would associate with the United States. Soccer, loud conversations in close proximity, and the carnival festival, are three things a person would relate to Brazil. These two countries sit on the same side of the world, yet because of their position on different hemispheres, the cultures are vastly different.
Brazil remains in the top 10 for world’s largest economies, however this economy is plagued with issues. According to surveys on the Latin barometer page a large portion of its citizens asked in these surveys say their current economy isn’t working, statistics for how satisfied they are read at 39.6% for not being …show more content…

Since the Great Recession, upper-income families have regained some of their wealth, while middle-income families haven’t seen gains at all. In this recovery period the wealth gap has only increased, to put this into perspective in 2013 low and middle-income families’ wealth is around what it would have been in the 1990’s. So while the rich get richer, the disparities between middle- and lower-income families are growing wider, much like the gap in Brazil. These two countries share problems with economic growth and spreading the wealth.
However, another thing that both countries share is how their Education system is set up. Both have free and compulsory schooling for the younger years up until high school. The U.S. takes it a bit further than Brazil and makes it compulsory through High school. Yet Brazil one ups the U.S and public Universities are free for those who pass an entrance exam. The grading scale in both countries also remains the same, the only exception Brazil uses an E for a failing grade while the U.S uses the letter F to mark a failing grade. Both countries use either a C or a D equivalent as the lowest passing grades. So both countries have the same goal, they want their citizens to garner an education and do give them the means to do so. While both systems are flawed, and in Brazil there is a high

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