
Father's Twine Research Paper

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The Father’s Twine

Around sometime in June of 1963 the father left the temple for personal reasons believed to be due to income or to the shifting parties of the NOI in-house discontent (The Father Allah was noted to have been suspended several times for his actions). Nevertheless he and a few Muslims that understood the problem of the temple and the reality of Allah’s vision took to the streets. He decided to focus his attention on the youths who could not be reached by local religious organizations and law enforcement. He taught the youths who came from dysfunctional homes with no hope in sight; therefore they called him their ‘Father’ (Ja’mella God Allah expresses his love and closeness for Allah explaining, you hear many brothers …show more content…

As for fighting, the Father Allah was known to be a bad cat in the streets, meaning he could scrap/fight. “He wasn’t called Pudden for nothing" as one old timer who knew him put it. He said, “In Harlem working with the children was two.” “A great Black karate master of the Harlem Goju System, named sensei Major Wallace; whose job was to bring the body of the Youth, and make it strong while Puddens job was to build their minds.” The other youths were Al Salaam, Al Jabbar (aka Prince Allah), Niheem (aka Bisme’Allah some brothers called him the gangster god because of his fearousity). Uhura, Akbar, and Bilal/Jahard who is now known as ABG#7; he wore no karate black belt but was said can Kick your black @@s if he had to. Moreover, there were Al Jamal and Kasheem (sometimes spelled Kiheem), the youngest, nonetheless well instructed. They all became proficient with what Allah had taught them from the martial arts, which was how to defend or protect themselves? The Father said to them, “Do not fear anyone or anything in this world or any man under the sun” and that “even the Devil doesn’t fear death so why should you?” He added, “The devil only fears God Allah, because he does not know when or how, Allah and …show more content…

They were inseparable-“Twined together,” and in case of something was to happen to one, the family would know about It through the other (As seemingly featured in the 1960 motion picture Village [children] of the Damned).The Gods and Earths are a tightly knit family, when one young brother had a Problem, and he was in the right, they all had a problem. The Gods were taught that way, if someone had endangered one of them, the person would have to deal with all of them, and the ‘Gods never lost a battle.’ Everything the Father Allah taught them was for their growth and development, into a new Being, a Supreme Being. Note; the brothers stated the Twine is only used for defense and not to offend the innocent. Therefore a person who trained in the FOA (Twine) and then tried to use it for his ill gains as to bully someone would find himself on the other side of truth and righteousness and could end up getting beat by a person of ‘Truth’ (twice smaller his size). As the God put it, “You can’t stand strong, when you’re in the wrong.” From these first nine Borns, they had taught hundreds and even thousands of youths in a short period of time. The message or the teachings of the 5% spread through the five Boroughs of New

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