
Fear Appeal And The Rise Of Persuasion

Decent Essays

When studying fear appeals one research article noted that it was most effective when the threat component preceded the recommendation component. The rise or increase aspect suggests persuasion is a function of the magnitude of the difference between baseline fear and peak fear. The peak aspect highlights the level of fear aroused regardless of the individual’s state of fear prior to the message. The decrease aspect implies the possibility that it is the degree to which fear is reduced, presuming that it is first aroused, that determines persuasion (Dillard & Anderson, 2004). The study tested a person’s positive BIS correlation associated with a premessage of fear as well as its increase and peak. BAS, however, is unrelated to all parts of …show more content…

When followed by recommendations, threats define the typical format of a fear appeal. Threats in its entirety refers to undesirable events, whereas recommendations refer to strategies for dealing with these undesirable events (Boyd, 1995). This study focusses in on a curvilinear hypothesis, where the amount of fear generated by a fear appeal mediates message compliance. “The subjects were informed that the purpose of the study was to obtain their reactions toward ads being considered for inclusion in a college-oriented magazine publication, entitled NOT (Boyd, 1995). The relationship between the generated fear and message compliance in turn forms an inverted U. At low levels of fear, users are uninterested to process the fear appeal because they consider the information as insignificant. At high levels, however, consumers tend to engage in defense mechanisms such as denial, prevention, and anger (Boyd, 1995). Two aspects of a threatening message operate in a multiplicative fashion to engender fear as well. These two aspects consist of severity and vulnerability. Severity refers to the noxiousness of a threat, whereas vulnerability refers to the probability of threat occurrence if no action is taken. A balanced fear appeal bears …show more content…

The threat component in threat appeals includes material that describes the unwanted consequences of an external threat, and the likelihood that the individual will experience these consequences. The action component is composed of instructions for an effective response to an external threat in addition to material concerning an individual’s ability to execute that response. The two components are typically presented in a problem-solution format, such that individuals are first presented with a danger, and then exposed to a means of addressing danger (Meczkowski, 2015). The drive model used in this study helps to provide a scientific explanation of threat appeals. People in the medium group exhibit the highest level of message acceptance, while those in the low and high groups will show less persuasion. A threat appeal will be effective to the extent that it produces a fear response that rises, then falls. The functional form of the relationship between fear and persuasion is best described as an inverted U-curve curve. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two threat conditions, both of which described the consequences of periodontal disease (Meczkowski, 2015). A large body of threat appeal research demonstrates that the form of the fear–persuasion relationship is linear and positive in between person’s data.

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