
Female Genital Mutilation Research Paper

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Female Genital Mutilation is a prevalent custom for many cultures across the African continent, and it has affected 140 million girls and women worldwide. The amount of damage afflicted depends on which type of FGM is undergone. A small prick, scratch, and other non-invasive forms of symbolic circumcision should be viewed as merely ‘bad’ practices in these communities because they “restrict the basic liberties of their members.” There are minor health consequences of procedures like clitoridectomy and excision, and women are often times forced to have these done in order to enter into womanhood or to fit the social norm. On the other hand, more extreme and oppressive forms of mutilation such as infibulation are altogether a violation of human …show more content…

All types of FGM involve severe amounts of pain and severe discomfort, and this procedure is often done in unsterile conditions by a member of the community, who is normally not a skilled doctor or professional. Although clitoridectomy, excision, and types of scratching/pricking have hardly any major health consequences, infections can occur with all types of this surgery. Infibulation is particularly harmful, and the most complications arise from this type. Infibulation can result in frequent urinary tract infections, problems with menstruation, complications in childbirth, increased risk of newborn deaths, and possible infertility. Infibulation can also result in extreme pain during sexual intercourse. Constant cutting or reopening of the scar tissue, which is necessary for intercourse and child birth, results in tremendous pain, constant exposure to infections, and further complications. A specific risk to the mother during childbirth includes fistula formation, which is an abnormal opening between the vagina and the bladder or the vagina and the rectum, which can lead to incontinence and further infection. Other issues related to FGM in some or all of its forms include: severe bleeding, problems urinating, formation of cysts, and increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. In addition to reproductive and sexual health problems, this procedure can negatively affect a women’s psychological health. A health framework is not necessarily the best way to end FGM. In fact, it has been disastrous in the past due to an over exaggeration of risks and statistics of death and infant mortality. However, it is important to acknowledge that this is not a benign tradition that leaves women unscathed. Infibulation especially put women at a huge risk, and can even result in death. Therefore, as long as FGM continues, the right to health and bodily integrity will be violated for

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