A quarter of female infertility is caused by a problem with their ovulation, normally, each month an egg matures within its own follicle in the ovary and is released into the fallopian tube. This process of ovulation is the fertile time of the menstrual cycle. There are many reasons for female infertility, the one cause of infertility is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is a complex condition in which a woman’s ovaries are usually bigger than the average size. “Polycystic means the ovaries have many cysts or follicles that rarely grow to maturity or produce eggs capable of being fertilised. This can affect up to a third of women, as polycystic ovaries can be seen on an ultrasound, but they do not all have PCOS.” (Better Health, 2015)
The number one cause of infertility in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is an endocrine disorder, which affects 7%, or one out of fifteen, women in the population. CITE Although reducing body weight by 10% has shown to improve frequency of ovulation and chances of conception, this is one of the few nonmedical interventions a women can try in order to improve the possibility for pregnancy. All other forms of treatment require a medical or pharmaceutical
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, occurs in 5% to 10% of women and is one of the causes of infertility. PCOS is observed by ultrasound as a number of small cysts on a woman’s ovary, and it’s
Infertility is the incapability or failure conceive after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse or due to an impairment a person’s capacity to reproduce either as an individual or with his/her partner. While infertility can cause issues in men and women, women are more susceptible to having issues conceiving naturally. 1 in 8 women (or 12% of married couples) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy (2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth, CDC). There is a process in which three stages such as ovulation, fertilization, and implantation that a women’s body must go through to get pregnant. When there are issues in these stages, infertility is diagnosed and examined by a doctor therefore, making it hard to conceive a baby naturally. Throughout this paper, I will explain three common causes of infertility in females like endometriosis, sexual transmitted diseases, and poor nutrition.
If infertility does not increase the rate than I do believe both individual insurance and group health insurance companies should offer infertility coverage. Infertility does not classify as a preexisting condition only pregnancy there for there should not be any penalty to those who are having fertility issues and wants to have insurance that will help cover some of the infertility expenses.
Infertility is a medical diagnosis that affects millions of couples each year. This medical diagnosis has been around for centuries. Reasons for infertility range from simple issues to more complex with both partners being affected. Around 1980’s medical procedures began in the Unites States for treatment. Since then there has been major advancement in infertility (Infertility United States, 1982).
The most common factor we think of when it comes to infertility is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles or short, long, or heavy periods. The lack of ovulation, the releasing of eggs from an ovary, is a factor in hormonal imbalance. Another common health factor that can affect fertility is being overweight or being underweight. Body fat
In females, infertility might be because of inappropriate timing of rearing (the most well-known reason), the nonappearance of the oestrous cycle, strange ovulation, inability to reproduce or mate, or pre-birth
Infertility affects close to 6.1 Million US women during the reproductive age (7). What is infertility? Infertility is generally defined as “the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sex. After the age of 35 pregnancy becomes more difficult and if infertility persist a shorter timeframe of six months is recommended (2). Infertility is not an illness it is a disease. This disease may not always be painful physically but the pain is inside, it mentally hurts and emotionally hurts. Lack of ovulation called anovulation is the main reason for infertility in these women, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a main contributor to anovulation (2). Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome will be further referenced as PCOS. Women experiencing infertility and diagnosed with PCOS may be asking what is POCS, what are the symptoms of PCOS, are there any treatments for PCOS?
Unlike woman suffering from premature ovarian failure not all woman battling PCOS have difficulty getting pregnant. PCOS is a group of symptoms stemming from irregular or no menstrual cycle, pelvic pain and issues conceiving due to an elevated level of male hormones. PCOS can be attributed to a mixture of environmental factors as well as genetics. Though there is no cure for polycystic ovary syndrome. Researchers Palomba et al. (2008) reported that structured exercise training yields higher occurrences of menstrual regularities and cumulative pregnancy rates over lower calorie diet. There is evidence that combined nutritional and exercise counseling yields the greatest benefit to the women with PCOS to get pregnant. In some situations birth control may help improve the regulation of monthly cycles and a few cosmetic
The mind is a beautifully intricate and complex system; unparalleled to the most advance technologies that we have today. Our mind can rule empires, cure illnesses, and process an abundance of information continuously; yet, what happens when that same brilliant mind turns on itself. Imagine not being able to go to sleep at night because a voice in your head is telling you to kill yourself, this voice may start as a menacing whisper, but grows clamorously and more insistent. This voice is all too familiar in people suffering from Schizophrenia, a “chronic and disabling” mental illness affecting millions of people worldwide (nimh.nih.gov).Schizophrenia derives from the Greek word meaning “split mind”, which is very appropriate because people
One of the most common items women struggle with is infertility. This could be caused by a number of factors. However, one of the main reasons women struggle to conceive is caused by an imbalance of hormones. For the most part, this is something that can be taken care of by taking fertility pills.
Infertility is a condition usually diagnosed after a 12-month period of intercourse without conception when the female is under 34 (Poddar, Sanyal, & Mukherjee, 2014, p. 117). After 35, infertility can be diagnosed after a 6-month period of unsuccessful attempts at conception (Poddar et al., 2014, p. 118). The diagnosis of infertility can have detrimental effects on one’s psychological state. Studies suggest that infertility influences emotional, financial, physical, and psychological aspects of life (Sternke & Abrahamson, 2014, p.4). In regard to emotional aspects, infertility can affect the strength of a relationship. The stigma surrounding infertility negatively contributes to psychological state. Women who suffer with infertility are considered
It goes without saying that a counselor treating clients for infertility should be empathetic, understanding, genuine, and non-judgmental among other traits. Initially, after drawing out the client’s story and assessing their needs for therapy one beginning of treatment can be to provide psychoeducation from a biological, medical, and psychological perspective (Joy & McCrystal, 2015). This ensures a firm foundation for both the client and therapist to develop a healthy treatment plan from which to explore all available options, alternatives, and possible outcomes that are presented. A few examples are in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, adoption, and even acceptance that rearing children
There is one dream that every little girl has when growing up, that is becoming a mother; to love and watch her children grow. No one ever dreams of that not happening to them or being part of that group being label as infertile. It happens to millions of women living in the United States every day. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the most common endocrine disease that affects women of reproductive age, which is typically puberty to menopause. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome does not only affect a woman’s ovaries and chances of conceiving, but it affects the whole endocrine system in the body. It can cause Excess Androgen Production, Insulin Resistant, Obesity, Hirsute and Cardiovascular problems.
Infertility is a common condition that affects individuals worldwide. The global rates of infertility have not changed between 1990- 2010. The global prevalence is difficult to assess since both male and female factors can contribute to the condition; it was estimated that 48.5 million couples worldwide were unable to have a successful pregnancy [1]. An evaluation of responses from women in Demographic and Health Surveys from 1990 was completed in cooperation with WHO in 2004 resulted in the conclusion that one in every four couples in developing countries had been found to be affected by infertility [2].