
Female Roles In The Tempest

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Over the course of this semester, the class has read and discussed four plays. The four plays include Madea, Oedipus, The Tempest and The Importance of Being Earnest. These plays all have strong female and male characters. Around the time all of these plays were written, women were not looked upon favorably. Women were viewed as superficial, deceptive and dangerous.
Female Roles Most of the female roles we read about were mothers. In the play, Madea Euripedes portrayed Madea as a revengeful psychotic character. She is seen to be the wife and to fulfill her wifely duties day after day. Madea goes against her spousal role and motherly role to get revenge on her husband who left her for another woman. Although Madea may be portrayed as violent …show more content…

Jocasta is also depicted as selfish by committing suicide after finding out that Oedipus is her son. She is also selfish by leaving her four children with no mother after she commits suicide. In The Tempest written by Shakespeare, Miranda is depicted as the sweet innocent and obedient daughter of Prospero. She is also seen as desperate when she meets Ferdinand and in three hours of meeting one another, they are engaged. Miranda is also naïve since she has been on a remote island for the past twelve years and the only men she has seen is her father Prospero and her father’s servant Caliban. In the play In the Importance of Being Earnest written by Oscar Wilde, there are four females depicted in this play, who is Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, Cecilly and Miss Prism. Lady Bracknell is depicted as a snobby lady who only values the social status of others. She is a powerful force because she controls whether or not her daughter Gwendolen and Jack can get married. She is also represented as a conservative and proper lady in the Victorian society by the way she acts, dresses and talks. Gwendolen is Lady Bracknells daughter and she is depicted as …show more content…

Jason in the play Madea is depicted as a cheater and unfaithful by leaving Madea for another woman. He is also seen as power hungry by leaving Madea for the King’s daughter Glauce. In the beginning of the play Jason is seen as the protector of his children and the household but then he abandons them to be with Glauce. Oedipus in the play Oedipus Rex is depicted as being naïve as believing that he is running away from his fate by going to Thebes, but in reality, he walked right into his fate. Oedipus is also depicted as a murderer by killing the King of Thebes Lauis. He is also seen as selfish because once he found out he married his mother and his children are children of incest he stabbed his eyes out leaving his four children without a father. Prospero in the Tempest is represented as an unsympathetic character because he uses black magic to control people. Prospero is also seen as revengeful since his brother took away the Dukedom of Milan from him. Prospero is also seen as very manipulative by calling his brother and friends to the remote island. At the end of the play, he is depicted as a much more sympathetic and forgivable character with redeeming characteristics. Caliban is Prospero’s servant on the remote island. At first, Caliban is seen as this innocent creature that was forced by Prospero to be his servant. Caliban is also seen as revengeful in plotting a murder against Caliban to get his freedom of the island

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