
Female Students Pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering, Or Mathematics Essay

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The number of female students pursuing science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) majors in US colleges has been on the increase, even though male dominance persists, particularly in the upper levels of STEM careers. Male and female students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels leave school equally prepared to pursue STEM majors at the college and university levels. However, fewer females tend to pursue these majors. Female students are less likely to indicate intentions of majoring in STEM and by graduation; males often outnumber females in engineering and science fields. The representation of women in STEM disciplines drops sharply at the graduate, as well as while transitioning to the workplace. According to a government report by U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Women in STEM: A Gender Gap to Innovation, it shows that even though America 's STEM workforce is critical to the country 's innovative capacity and international competitiveness, women continue to be hugely underrepresented not only in STEM majors but also in jobs despite constituting an estimated fifty percent of America 's college-educated workforce (Office of the Chief Economist). STEM disciplines are recognized as being crucial to the economy of the United States. It is apparent that environmental and social factors have largely been responsible for the dominance of males in STEM majors in American colleges. In this regard, concerns about the

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