
Feminism In The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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Recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book award winner, Alice Walker is the author of The Color Purple. The Color Purple has been labeled as a critically acclaimed novel. This is because Walker has no filter discussing topics such as: race, sexism, and systematic oppression. This novel takes place in rural South Georgia and spoken through the eyes of a young African American girl who becomes a grown woman between 1910 to 1940. This detail is important because for people of color, things were restricted and clearly difficult. It is even worse for women of color because not only were they the minority but also a woman. Women are expected to abide by all rules with no hesitations, and submit to all orders from the man of the house. This is the case in The Color Purple. For example, Celie grows up with the mindset of that she must follow the rules of her step-father and husband's rules. This may lead them to stop their verbal, emotional, physical, and mental abuse. Unfortunately, it will take greater heights for them to leave Celie alone. With Feminism comes the development of character. Celie, the main character, grows into a woman who not only believes in fair treatment amongst all but the idea itself developed through her growth. Self-development is the mental, physical, and emotion elevation over time due to experiences that develop perspectives.
To continue, the novel takes on the theme of feminism. Feminism is meant to represent the equality between men and women

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