
Feminism In The Film 'Makers: Women Who Make America'

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Being a woman in today's society, I am aware of the inequality that we still face today. "Makers: Women Who Make America" opened my eyes to how feminism began and how the movement got its bearings. When Shirley Chisholm said, "I have been more discriminated against as a women than an African American," it was extremely eye opening to how serious of an issue it had become. I was amazed to learn about how the divorce rates exploded when feminism began. To me, it sounds ridiculous that a man could not comprehend how his wife deserved to have the same rights and to be able to do things besides the common women household chores. "Makers: Women Who Make America" was an eye opening film that demonstrated how birth control, women's health care and abortion played a major contribution to the women's movement. Prior to …show more content…

It is amazing to me that just a small pill was able to liberate women and change the way marriages worked. It was now women who decided whether they would be having a child. When the women in the film spoke of how the fear of getting pregnant is what kept so many women virgins, I could really see how this would have happened. These days, there are multiple ways to prevent pregnancy and therefor, more people are having sexual intercourse and not being as scared as they were back in the day. It was heartbreaking to learn about how abortion came about and how women had to secretly obtain them. It was even more heartbreaking to learn that almost 5,000 women would die due to complications because of the illegal operations. Learning about Sherri Finkbine's experiences with abortion and the public was upsetting, but I feel that it was necessary in order for abortion to become legal. After learning many cold hard facts about what happened to women when abortion was illegal, it seems ridiculous that many people today fight for abortion to be

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