Fever Crumb
Characters In the beginning of the story the main character, Fever Crumb, is rational and reasonable. “Then there was her hair, or rather, lack of hair. The order was keen to hurry humankind into the future, and they believed that hair was unnecessary. Fever shaved her head every other morning.” (8). This quote shows how Fever is rational because she removes things from her life that have more to do with comfort and beauty, which she believes to be irrational, than have to do with usefulness. Fever has been sheltered from irrational things for most of her life so when she is thrust into the city of normal people she doesn't understand why they have or do irrational things. In the end of the book she doesn’t have the
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Connotative- a blurring of the truth, dishonesty “Rational”(17)
Denotative-agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible
Connotative-useful, purposeful
“Beauty” (9)
Denotative-the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
Connotative- useless, unnecessary
Denotative-secure from liability to harm, injury, danger, or risk: a safe place.
Connotative- comforting
Denotative-utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false
Connotative- wild, ridiculous
Denotative-of or pertaining to electronics or to devices, circuits, or systems developed through electronics.
Connotative-ancient, magical
Denotative-resulting from or showing a lack of sense; ill-considered; unwise
Connotative-ridiculous, unnecessary
Denotative-sound judgment; good sense.
Denotative-not alike in character or quality; differing; dissimilar
Connotative-bad, dangerous
Denotative-a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.
Connotative-terror, chaos
Point of View The story is
Sam Wood is the protagonist in the story because the story starts off with him driving around Wells, and he was the one who discovered Mr. Mantoli's body. On page two, it says, "He slipped the car into gear and moved it away from the curb with the professional smoothness of an expert driver." This quote shows how Sam is an expert driver. Another quote on page thirty nine, "Sam reached up and removed his uniform cap ashamed that he had forgotten to do so until now. I'm terribly sorry to have to bring you this news." This quote describes how Sam is a sensitive person internally. In addition, Sam Wood hates to be called Sam and rather be called Mr. Wood. Sam has been a police officer for three years, (pg.2) and is a night
Fever: 1793 by Laurie Halsey Anderson is told from the perspective of Mattie Cook in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the 1793 yellow fever epidemic. She lives with her cold-hearted Mother, her aging Grandfather, a Revolutionary War veteran with a parrot named King George. There’s also Eliza, a free black woman who works at the Cook Coffeehouse and Nathaniel, a charming guy Mattie likes. It starts out as yellow fever spreads around with the punishing heat. It’s killing many people, such as Polly, their often lazy servant girl. “Mother” as Mattie calls her is being very protective with the fever spreading around. In fact, people don’t really know what’s going on. As the fever got worse and people started realizing that
Laurie Halse Anderson’s historical fiction novel , Fever 1793, takes place in Philadelphia. Mattie goes throughout the city wondering where everyone is after yellow fever has spread. Then she finds a little girl that will help her with walking around and trying to stay calm. By using emotions and character development, Anderson creates the lesson that when you have someone special in your life, you should never take them for granted.
I believe the book fever, 1973 is about overcoming hardship. In the book Mattie over comes death loss homelessness and the fear of the unknown . Mattie is 15 years old living with her mom grandfather and there cook Eliza when fever hits Philadelphia killing thousands.
The novel is narrated by Mattie Cook in the first person. She is only able to speak for herself. The only thoughts and feelings she displays are her own and the story is set wherever she is.
War is normally defined as a state of open, often prolonged, armed conflict between two or more groups, usually nations, states or other parties. Wars are usually begun through the clash of interests between the different groups such as territory or resources. Before a war can officially begin the groups involved usually have a formal declaration of war to make the citizens aware that there is a war.
In John M. Barry’s “The Great Influenza” he states, “All real scientists exist on the frontier”(Barry 23). During the 1918 influenza epidemic Barry wrote “The Great Influenza” to describe the research that was happening revolving influenza. He describes different characteristic the scientist had to have researching the flu. He recognized the challenges that came with it. He also believes that if you are a scientist that you must be courageous to accept the uncertainty that comes with the job. “The Great Influenza” written by John M. Barry utilizes metaphors and descriptive diction to analyze the characteristics regarding scientist.
Main Characters: Macey Clare, Austin Fent, Mr. and Mrs. Macey, Monica and Henry Fent, Venita Edna, Grace, and Lindsay.
Octavia Butler’s novel Kindred is categorized as science fiction because of the existence of time travel. However, the novel does not center on the schematics of this type of journey. Instead, the novel deals with the relationships forged between a Los Angeles woman from the 20th century, and slaves from the 19th century. Therefore, the mechanism of time travel allows the author a sort of freedom when writing this "slavery narrative" apart from her counterparts. Butler is able to judge the slavery from the point of view of a truly "free" black woman, as opposed to an enslaved one describing memories.
The reason why most people don't have hope is because they think it's going to mess up things and make things worse. In the book fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson, the 2 main characters Mattie (Matilda) cook and Eliza. Which are both in the world of Philadelphia of yellow fever. When grandfather dies and mother gets the sickness. And both of them try to survive this deadly virus/disease. It might not be a likely thing that Mattie would do but she has hope that things will get better.
War can be defined as “an active struggle between competing entities. It’s truly hard to tell who is right or wrong during a war. Both sides are fighting for what they believe in and what is true to their heart. In the end there is always two things promised – destruction and death. These two objects can explain the result in every facet of war from the physical to emotional.
A good example of this is the words thoughtlessly and negligent. These words are very similar in meaning; not showing consideration for the needs of other people; and they convey a negative connotation, because the author is saying they don’t really care about their dogs and not really thinking of their dog. They’re connected to the tone because it’s what the author is accusing the “careless” dog owners of. They are relevant becuase in reality, it’s posing a question; “If these owners love their dogs so much,
‘War’ as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is a state of open and declared, hostile armed conflict between states or nations. Voltaire—the human personification of the Enlightenment period—says the following: “Famine, plague, and war are the three most famous ingredients of this wretched world…All animals are perpetually at war with each other…Air, earth and water are arenas of destruction. Defining war has been a political issue for centuries, and it poses a philosophical problem. Most philosophers will agree on war being a clash of arms, or a state of mutual tension between nations or states, distinguishing it from open rebellions, riots, and personal violence.
Conflict, according to Wilmot & Hocker (2011), is defined as an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals.
War is a conflict carried out by force of arms, between nations, states or between parties within a nation which can be on land, sea or in the air, always caused by something. It’s a clash of interests which results in violent armed struggles and can affect