To begin, I have two predictions for the main character, Poppy. The first prediction is that Poppy will not marry Magnus. The first piece of evidence for this prediction is that she feels like she is not good enough for Magnus. His family is a knowledgeable family with many accomplishments, for example they go around the world talking on television and writing books. Poppy feels like she is not smart enough for them because she does not know big words, but she secretly feels that accomplishment is not measured in how many books people have wrote, or how big of words people know. She thinks accomplishment is measured in how people feel at the end of the day, if they feel happy that is an accomplishment. When she is around Magnus’s family her …show more content…
The second piece of evidence is she gets a text that says Magnus has been unfaithful. The text read “I’m not sure if this is the right number. But I had to let you know. Your fiancee has been unfaithful. It’s with someone you know” (Kinsella 268). Poppy should feel like that is the biggest lie she has ever heard, but she could think that there is a possibility that it is true. She should not even let the thought cross her mind but it does so it could mean that she thinks it is true. Everybody has second thoughts before their wedding, but getting a text saying that person’s fiancee has cheated on them is rare. No matter how bad she does not want to believe, it will haunt her for the rest of her marriage. This leads people to believe that they will not end up together because she does not fully trust him. The last piece of evidence is that Poppy and Magnus have been very distant. She overheard him and his family in the church at the wedding rehearsal, Magnus’s parents said “ admit it, Magnus...complete mistake”(Kinsella 170). She ignored it but she could feel bothered by …show more content…
The first question is why did Poppy not tell Magnus about Sam? One piece of evidence why Poppy did not tell Magnus about Sam is because she did not want Magnus to be mad. She knew that Magnus would get worried and think about it a lot, so she decided that she should not tell him. She either thought Magnus would figure it out on his own and that would not be as bad, but in reality that would be worse. Maybe she wants to keep a secret from him to feel like she is still her own person not just Magnus’s girlfriend. Keeping it from Magnus meant that he does not know everything about her and maybe that's what she wants. She is a private person and keeps her feelings to herself, she learned to do that when her parents died. When her parents died everybody knew it so she felt like she had been exposed, maybe she did not ever want to feel like that again. The second reason could be that she did not think it was important. She may have thought Sam was nobody and she was just borrowing his phone until she got one. She could have thought that every girl has guy friends besides their boyfriend, so it would not matter if she had one too. It could have been an act of defiance showing Magnus that she can do what she wants and he does not have complete control over her. He was simply a friend so Magnus has friends that are girls too. Maybe she thought that is was not that important to her and it would not go this far. The final reason why she may
boys to live out her childish delusions of romance and allows herself to be swept away by this
However, Polly has come to the realization that not everything is better alone, which is why she caved and went with Amari and Tidbit south. The last psychological lesson Polly learned was that it is normal and healthy to share emotions with others. As they continue their journey, Polly asks Amari about her mother, and in return tells Amari about hers. She admits that she thinks about her parents quite often, saying: “‘I think of my mother at night as we travel, it helps’ (Draper 266).” This final piece of evidence proves that Polly has learned to truly trust and open up to others.
The intensity in our story develops when our narrator discovers she really doesn’t love Peter. It’s when he asks her if she fancy’s the waiter (151), when she understands, at that moment she does not love him. Here is when she falls out of love in Sarajevo. It is because our narrator has a certain abusive struggle from Peter, that she seems to change her mind about him in such an instance. But through out the story she doesn’t seem to mind the way he mentally abuses her, how he’s always putting her down, and she doesn’t seem to understand that he still thinks of his wife but is practically with her for the fact she’s a good “LAY”. Her constant thought of Mrs. Piper, Peter’s wife, although she never physically appears in the story, she seems to always be present in her and his mind, making it hard for her to be fully with her lover (Peter) and in this way further extend her fantasious love relationship. She seems to be in denial about what truly is going on, and how she wants to make this work, when in deed she’s only in it for the grade, but she doesn’t want to
This book is about the final girls in the selection who are fighting for the spot of being Maxons wife. In this journal I would be predicting if America or kriss will be marrying Maxon. First off I predict that America will be marrying Maxon. I think America will be marring Maxon because at the Halloween Ball, Maxon said that he is going to be marrying America. He even had a toast to his “future wife” and as he was saying it he looked at America and gave her a wink. Maxon also showed only America the princess room. He did not show anyone else besides her. When the rebels last came, America was outside. So when she saw them, she ran in to the woods and got lost. Maxon was worried sick about her and not knowing where she is. As soon as America got checked in to the hospital, Maxon went to go and see her right away. But I also predict that Kriss will be marring Maxon. I think Kriss will be the one marring Maxon because he has been spending a lot of time with Kriss. He even siting by her during the meals. For every Party, Maxon always asks Kriss for the first dance. Maxon said that he does not want to send Kriss home but he also does not want to send America home. I predict that America will be the one marrying Maxon because of all the things he has said/promised her and the way he has acting around
Sookie and Bill become a couple, She gets to meet other vampires. She becomes fond of Bill, and falls in love. She loves that she can't hear his thoughts. She feels comfortable around Bill. Now that shes been talking to Bill her boss Sam has come out and told her he has always liked her. It's to late shes already in love. Sam doesn't like Bill. She cant understand Sam's thought. She can only senses his
Men have the luxury of being able to wait for their dreams, which they may or may not realize. Women, however, do not get this luxury; they have to make do with what they are given. Their dreams ultimately do not matter. This is why Nanny forces Janie to marry Logan Killicks at the age of 16, even though she doesn’t like him at all; she thinks he looks like “some ole skullhead in de grave yard” (13). Nanny doesn’t think that her dreams of finding true love matter very much. The reason she marries Janie off is to make sure that she is safe from the cruel outside world; in her words, “Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have baby, it’s protection” (15). Nanny simply wants to make sure Janie is provided for in order to live a long life. However, by doing this, she sentences Janie to years of unhappy
In the book "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been", Connie is in constant conflict with her mother who resents her for her youth, and so sometimes "Connie wished her mother was dead and she herself was dead" (361). Connie's life had two sides, one was at home and the other was across a highway. Across that highway Connie expressed a sexual side of herself and tries to attract older men and does. However, the magical romance that Connie imangined everything to be was just a fairy tale. The reality and gravity of her situation soon hit her with a rude awakening. Connie is faced with a decision that will be the defining moment of her coming of age. In the end, Connie chooses her sexual side over her family. However, despite her choice, I
Connie’s story is easily relatable to any young person on the verge of curiosity and excitement. Teenagers grow away from relying solely on the ideas of their parents and general ideology of their known environments as they begin to branch out. They feel as if they have learned all of what they’ve been exposed to and that they must begin to make their own opinions and experiences in life. Through this idea one can strongly connect to the young Connie. She is so bored with a life that she has become accustomed to and hates to think of being as her boring sister June; who their mother seems to adore in an odd comparison often saying things like “June did this, and June did that” (551). She wants to experience things unknown and feels she has no reason to fear what may happen so she goes out on excursions that are driven by her romanticized ideas of what adulthood holds for her in the future. Connie begins to rebel and seek new experiences, but she eventually gains someone’s attention that brings her ideas to reality.
The plan for Janie’s future begins with her lack of having real parents. Hurston builds up a foundation for Janie that is bound to fall like a Roman Empire. Janie’s grandmother, whom she refers to as “Nanny” takes the position as Janie’s guardian. The problem begins here for Janie because her Nanny not only spoils her, but also makes life choices for her. Nanny is old, and she only wants the best for her grandchild, for she knows that the world is a cruel place. Nanny makes the mistake of not allowing Janie to learn anything on her own. When Janie was sixteen years old, Nanny wanted to see her get married. Although Janie argued at first, Nanny insisted that Janie get married. “’Yeah, Janie, youse got yo’ womanhood on yuh… Ah wants to see you married right away.’” (Page 12). Janie was not given a choice in this decision. Her Nanny even had a suitor picked out for her. Janie told herself that she would try to make the best of the situation and attempt to find love in her marriage to Logan Killicks. But, as time went by, Janie realized that she still did not have any feelings of what she had considered to be love in her husband.
She and her friends remembered the right things to do and if they didn’t things would have changed. Lina and poppy are sisters this as shows Lina is responsible because she has to take care of poppy and granny is too old to do that.So lina has to prove this in the text it states ‘’Her sister's name is poppy’’. Lina brought poppy out of Ember this shows that Lina is responsible because she brought poppy which means she didn't want poppy to be left. So to prove this in the text it states ‘’I’ve brought poppy’’.Lina through the note down to Ember to tell everyone everything like how to get out and were everything this shows that Lina is responsible because she didn’t want everyone to be left behind in the darkness. To prove this in the text it states ‘’We could send our
She reached over to the table beside her and grabbed the glass of ice water, sipping it before placing back down where it belonged and diving back into her computer again “Starting when I was around 3, I always had a constant obsession with one boy band or another. I jumped from one teen heartthrob to another over the years. Most of my conversations with my mother from about age 5 'til my early teens revolved around “my future husbands” as I called them.” Her fingers moved nimbly as the story began to unfold, “I would describe the life I plan to lead with them or the children I wanted to have. Within these conversations with my mom or grandma, they always managed to throw in things like ‘What if you bring home a girl instead’ or one would say ‘Well I can’t wait to meet this husband’ and the other would shout ‘or wife’ from the other room. At the time it made me mad and I would always respond with things like ‘MOMMMM I LIKE BOYS STOPPPPPP’ and storm out of the room. When I look back, I often wonder if they were trying to brainwash me or if they just saw something I didn’t, but it was a sweet way of reassuring me no matter who I love they would always accept me. At the time I never thought anything of it, I liked boys, boys were cute and that’s what the world had taught me. Girls like boys, boys like girls, and
Even though she is honest and straight forward with people most of the time, she has struggled being honest with both her parents and Grey. It takes her a very long time to finally talk to her parents about the true reason why she made the no dating vow.
They decided to take her to a party not thinking Rune would attend. Once Poppy realized Rune was there she kept a close eye on him. She witnessed him and another girl kissing. Rune did not think Poppy would be impervious by his actions. Poppy was so furious and heartbroken that all of their promises were broken. Poppy rushed in to an empty room to let all of her emotions out, soon later she turned around to find Rune waiting there for answers. Rune ran his hand down his face. That stubborn expression I knew so well spread across his features. “No! God, Poppy. Why? Why did you do it?” (Cole 44). Their conversation grew into a rambunctious argument. I predict there relationship will come to an end because of these
Is your spouse cheating on you? What can you do about it? Is it very difficult to catch a spouse who is cheating? Are you planning to hire a private detective? Well if you reply the above mentioned questions in the affirmative, than we have got the right answers for you right here. Check them out.
Sam is Mr. Sleepless in Seattle. Annie has overwhelming compassion for Jonah and Sam after hearing their story on the radio station. Maybe Annie felt sorry for Jonah after hearing him asking for a new wife for his dad, or maybe it was just magic and fate that made her fall in love with Sam before even meeting him. Walter is calm and understanding when his engagement to Annie ends because Annie says she just has to meet Sleepless in Seattle