
Fiancee Has Been Unfaithful

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To begin, I have two predictions for the main character, Poppy. The first prediction is that Poppy will not marry Magnus. The first piece of evidence for this prediction is that she feels like she is not good enough for Magnus. His family is a knowledgeable family with many accomplishments, for example they go around the world talking on television and writing books. Poppy feels like she is not smart enough for them because she does not know big words, but she secretly feels that accomplishment is not measured in how many books people have wrote, or how big of words people know. She thinks accomplishment is measured in how people feel at the end of the day, if they feel happy that is an accomplishment. When she is around Magnus’s family her …show more content…

The second piece of evidence is she gets a text that says Magnus has been unfaithful. The text read “I’m not sure if this is the right number. But I had to let you know. Your fiancee has been unfaithful. It’s with someone you know” (Kinsella 268). Poppy should feel like that is the biggest lie she has ever heard, but she could think that there is a possibility that it is true. She should not even let the thought cross her mind but it does so it could mean that she thinks it is true. Everybody has second thoughts before their wedding, but getting a text saying that person’s fiancee has cheated on them is rare. No matter how bad she does not want to believe, it will haunt her for the rest of her marriage. This leads people to believe that they will not end up together because she does not fully trust him. The last piece of evidence is that Poppy and Magnus have been very distant. She overheard him and his family in the church at the wedding rehearsal, Magnus’s parents said “ admit it, Magnus...complete mistake”(Kinsella 170). She ignored it but she could feel bothered by …show more content…

The first question is why did Poppy not tell Magnus about Sam? One piece of evidence why Poppy did not tell Magnus about Sam is because she did not want Magnus to be mad. She knew that Magnus would get worried and think about it a lot, so she decided that she should not tell him. She either thought Magnus would figure it out on his own and that would not be as bad, but in reality that would be worse. Maybe she wants to keep a secret from him to feel like she is still her own person not just Magnus’s girlfriend. Keeping it from Magnus meant that he does not know everything about her and maybe that's what she wants. She is a private person and keeps her feelings to herself, she learned to do that when her parents died. When her parents died everybody knew it so she felt like she had been exposed, maybe she did not ever want to feel like that again. The second reason could be that she did not think it was important. She may have thought Sam was nobody and she was just borrowing his phone until she got one. She could have thought that every girl has guy friends besides their boyfriend, so it would not matter if she had one too. It could have been an act of defiance showing Magnus that she can do what she wants and he does not have complete control over her. He was simply a friend so Magnus has friends that are girls too. Maybe she thought that is was not that important to her and it would not go this far. The final reason why she may

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