
Fighting For Equal Right Essays

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"Negroes and dogs not allowed." This was a sign placed outside of almost every door. During the earlier years of the European settlements, white has treated black as an inferior race. They enslaved the black Africans, uses them for slavery, and often uses threat and violence against them. In 1880, the U.S. Senate established a law called the Jim Crew law. Under the law, white was considered to be superior to black. There are white actors who painted their own face in charcoal and act out dumb movements in performance to humiliate the black African Americans. The society was so corrupted that even the law granted rights for white to treat black drastically. Resentment slowly grew among members. In 1950's to 1970's, many different activist …show more content…

The horrible death of Emmett Hill become one of the tragic event that resulted from racism. Tired from a long day of work, Rosa Park refuses to give up her sit for a white male. Since a kid, Rosa was exposed to racism. Everyday, she walks a couple miles to school because there are a bus segregation law which forbidden blacks to ride on buses. After a long day of work, Rosa is exhausted from all of the prejudicial laws. She also grew tired of the dehumanized treatments toward African Americans. As a punishment for Rosa's refusal, she was found guilty and were fined with fourteen dollars. Rosa Park was now referred to as "The Mother of Civil Right Movement." Her action spurred a city-wide bus boycott. Later the city of Montgonery eventually lifted the law of segregation on public buses. From now on, blacks and white received an equal treatment in bus rides. Rosa's action did not completely stop racism, but it is a way in which it fought for right and freedom. Harper Lee is a white author who expressed the inequality between white and black by reflecting a real life story down in her book, To Kill a Mockingbird. In March 25, during the era of the Great Depression, the Scottsboro boys was accused of rape. Almost all of the boys were sentence to death with no particular evidence beside the statements from two white girls. Being judged in an all white jury, the Scottsboro boys was automatically sentenced guilty. Harper using this as a preference,

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