
Filing Systems May Not Be Electronic Or Manual

Better Essays

Filing systems may either be electronic or manual. An organisation will probably utilise a combination of both systems, choosing the most suitable arrangement for the data that is to be stored. Regardless of the type of system adopted, it should be effective and efficient, accessible, accurate, reliable and user friendly. In a school setting, both electronic and manual filing systems are used on a daily basis. To give an example; • A manual filing system is used to store individual pupil’s confidential information. Each pupil has their own file; this is filed alphabetically and held in a filing cabinet in the school office. The child’s file contains confidential information such as date of birth, address, family history and medical details. This filing cabinet is kept locked at all times to ensure that children’s information is protected and respected and only available for viewing by authorised staff. • An electronic filing system is used to record the school’s financial transactions. This is a very thorough and rigorous method for storing such important details. The system generates orders; payments and reports that enable the head teacher and school business manager to monitor spend and control budgets. This system is only accessible to the school business manager and access is protected by a password. Filing systems may be used to store information that is readily available to anyone to browse, such as telephone numbers of schools within the local education authority.

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